Do you like puzzles?
Do you like puzzles?
When they're not fucking bullshit, sure
Also 1 place, the button to change the time
>When they're not fucking bullshit, sure
But user, that's the best part Do stick around and we might find some fun no-bullshit puzzles Or will we
Also no, that's not the correct answer.
2 right? The minute and hour dial?
1. Put your finger in the face of the clock and push both hands to 12 o'clock
Not quite
Yes, Professor Layton is among my favorite series.
Also that puzzle was bullshit, the correct answer occurred to me but I didn't enter it because it was too fucking obvious.
0. Wait 8 and a half hours for the clock to go there itself.
Then 0 places. The clock will slow midnight eventually.
0. Just wait until midnight or midday.
Wait for midnight
0. Just wait for it to be midnight
Let's see what else I have in this puzzle bag of mine.
Friday. Where is "Submit"?
friday? Seems too simple though...
Not all puzzles have to be extensively fucky, after all, it's only worth 15 picarats!
>Where is "Submit"? What did you hit when you replied to this post?
I would say Friday, but this is Layton so it's gonna be some retardedly gay shit like it picks the answer based on whatever today is on the DS clock.
The current day would be Saturday. I'm an ESL btw ;)
I haff twelve matchstick
That would be nice.
How was it?
Sequel when?
I thought the implied rape scene was really unnecessary.
First M and F are children
Not quite!
I'm just guessing at this point.
They could be standing in a circle and the child can be male so we could have 3 people
What about a hint?
it's probably some stupid shit like
>0 because you just wait until midnight
god i want to bite who makes layton puzzles in the face
Close, but I'll take it!
4. Since it's Layton's bullshit it's probably 3.
3 they're facing different directions so there are multiple perceptions of in front or behind.
this ones impossible as it assumes everyone is gender binary
I mean 5.
Nope, keep trying!
M (child), M (adult), F (adult) in a circle
That's correct! Let's do some lateral thinking now, shall we?
0, they could be animals
Basketball because they're in a dirt field?
The bat it's aluminum not wood.
The football because it's the only one that predominantly uses feet instead of arms.
Soccer ball. Everything else is used by the hands
The putt because all the other sports involve hitting or touching balls that are in motion
The soccer ball. it's the only one that requires exclusively footwork.
Really wasn't into the plot overall. Middle case is the highlight. Music is godlike. Puzzles feel watered down. It's a 6/10. It doesn't really play to the strengths of either series.
The volleyball ball seem to be broken.
Nice thinking, it's not the correct answer though.
it's the golf club, since you need a whole set of them to be able to play effectively.
It IS the putt, but the reason is a bit off, can someone guess the correct reason?
extra puzzle cuz I'm starting to be out of reaction pics.
Football because it confuses his american brain.
He's a righty, pointing with his dominant hand, and there's a lefty driver
You need a hole?
That's right, good job!
The fish was asleep.
Replaced the fish?
He changed the water.