Tribal people play a video game for the first time

"May Allah give me strength in this endeavor."

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>play for the first time
>old dude used to be a gamer


Holy fuck I thought I was the only person in the world who remember Rygar

Seems fake. Brown people love to make gay and fake youtube shit.

Literally better than that Cuphead reviewer.

>We used to wrestle eachother.

Gosh I love brown people we can learn so much from them. I hate being white so much we can't even make our own food right lol.

>NES game
>PS2 controller
>somehow knows how to use analog stick
>Facebook brown creator (aka content thieves and scam artists)


>all the men finish the level with their jank fake playstation controller and joysticks
>the women cant
wow really grinds the gears in the noggin

>we can't even make our own food right
this but unironically, unless you're greek, spanish or italian, white people can't make food. nords eat rotting fish, french people eat snails and slugs and british cuisine might be the grossest thing on the planet.

>people that have never even been near a videogame are better than some soifag
lol, and people trust those fags.

not the PS2 reboot, either

Pac-Man would’ve made more sense as a first game.


the idea that someone in Pakistan has played Rygar astounds me and causes me to wonder what else comes and goes in their society

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>not making them play some offensive game where you kill tribal communities

Crash Team Racing has a competitive scene in the middle east

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>16:9 mario

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Old guy couldn't do it. And he even had all that experience with the blindfold game!

>tribal people post on Yas Forums for the first time

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They're BASED, and they have something Yas Forums lost.

The channel is named Reactistan.

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You already had your thread deleted once. How many more tkmes are you going to post this shit?

Lol seething retarded nigger. Don't forgot to rob a convenient store on your way to the blm protest

why the FUCK are they using a playstation controller. Fuck this channel, the game isnt supposed to be played with a thumbstick controller

>Yas Forums has unironic advertising of y**tube videos now

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That fucking older dude who thinks his hole game is being ripped off by mario oh my god, this is great

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one of the best tekken players in the world is from then middle east,apparently the game is pretty big down there



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God damn why are women so bad at video games?

get out of here with that trash. Every nigger i meet only eats too things.
1. Fried chicken
2. something they stole.

>finally killed the infidel

they woke a sleeping shitpost DNA within minutes of gaming.

I'm spanish, and I think you should really fucking kill yourself, you worthless millennial.


Can't even spell the proper 'two' right.