Pick a button

Pick a button

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I pick none, this is stupid

square easily

Square and do esports

Sounds like someone already gave up. I'm sure you have some life prospects



square easily gets you a well paying job based around a hobby

You've already pressed Circle

You can already do triangle with no drawback in real life
Square sounds like your life would miserable if all you're good at is video games and it would feel completely unearned
Circle is stupid because I want to play other games
They all suck

Square, I'm already sub par at everything else

triangle then proceed to get every single video game ever made

Probably circle.
If it's as good as I imagine it will render all other games obsolete.

Why would you ever pick square? By picking square, you are sacrificing ALL of your life skills, including shit like walking?

No, they are all shit.
Your thread is shit.

Square I guess. I can earn my livehood like that and since I don't need to practice I can still make my dream game on my own.

they're all shit
no single game, no matter how good will keep me entertained for the rest of my life
I don't want to be a pathetic faggot who's only good at games when they're not even my no1 hobby
and anyone who takes a 5% chance of death to save 60 fucking dollars lives such a miserable life that they should kill themselves anyway

None of them.

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the square one has litterally no plus side.
Only thing i can think about is using that ability to mock and shame e celeb faggots like sonic fox... actually thats not that bad

circle because my life is more than gaming
I'd also be fine playing the perfect game until I get bored of it

>save a shit ton of money
>5% death rate is already extremely low
>death is instant so you can die happy, unexpectedly, and cleanly
>death is mitigated if you only play a few games
One question though, is there a specific death rate attached to each game in existence or is even playing the same game a constant risk? If it's the former then this is the best choice because if you test out a game and it doesn't kill you, that means it's safe to play forever.

This is stupid. Anyone not picking square is trolling

if I can't fuck the cat demon (male) fuck off


Circle, obviously. I don't want to devote my life to OR die for video games, of all things. Get a life, hippies.

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They all suck


t. american

Seems like someone has already picked square for me.

demon blood because it would be fun

Savior, who cares about fake love if it's love.

One other note is that it says that this applies to games you get. This should mean that every game you already have is exempt from this rule.

Pendant and burger have no downsides.

>fucking dream game gets made
>the downside is nonexistent because why would I ever play a game other than this one

>advantage is nonexistent because why the fuck would I want to be the best at all those shit games
>disadvantage is already true for me so it doesn't matter

>advantage is nonexistent because games are already free for me
>5% of instadeath probability is waaay too high

Of course it's Circle, only a retard would choose otherwise

>5% death rate is already extremely low
it's not? For each game you get there's a chance of 95% of staying alive. If you get 15 games the probability of not dying is 0.95^15, which is less than 50%.

But does triangle procs the 5% chance if I get a game that's free?

Circle is the only one that doesn't totally blow.
Get the ring and gift it to someone I want dead.


Square has no downsides who would choose anything else?

give up how, literally become a twitch streamer for any game you'll be the best at and retire rich

>you're below average at all other life skills
This includes entertaining.
No-one would watch your streams because you lack charisma.

Red not even gona read it

Anyone with a brain would choose Triangle.
>Already own CSGO/TF2, so no risk of dying.
>Buy a shitload of keys and crates
>Keep rolling for expensive shit, gift them to people for IRL money
>repeat until millionaire.
I already don't buy new games, but now im sitting in cash

It has plenty of downsides. Not being able to improve your life skills will get you taken advantage of, failing in the most catastrophic of ways, and it just guarantees you a shitty life. Before you say no big deal because that's already your life, you can at have the chance at becoming better.