For real though guys, is l4d2 comprimsed?

For real though guys, is l4d2 comprimsed?

Attached: Ellis.jpg (400x400, 15.92K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Bros, Im really pissed they were actually unironically working on both l4d3 and a vr version, I thought it was a meme rumour but with the leak it was actually true

yes, i had my best match today too and then learnt about the rce straight after kek

Sauce or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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>no L4D2 asset leaks
Fuck this gay earth I want a 64-bit build with no crashes

It runs on the same Source 1 engine as CSGO and TF2 do, so yes, it’s very likely that any exploit that applies to the latter two is also usable on L4D2. Now, people are most likely falseflagging and spreading misinfo on what is actually happening, but as of now, I’d avoid all Source 1 games until we get proper info on what’s happening.

Only TF2 and CSGO got leaked, so I doubt it.

I'm just assuming all Source 1 games are compromised for the time being.

Attached: Mount TF2.png (912x797, 1.24M)

I'm a brainlet, how the leak can affect L4D2? also is one of my fav games this is pretty sad

Read the fucking thread

Report unusual posts
Barricade your threads
Avoid all contact with Source games
Wait for official instructions

Attached: fucks your waifu.jpg (958x713, 54.66K)

But it wasn't the old L4D team making it, why bother?

stop falling for fake news zoomers, this shit was clearly staged by a discord raid, wake the fuck up


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lol go play tf2 and find out


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What happened

Kill all discord trannies, that's my 'ficial instructions

Attached: xgtbxkf1dc141.jpg (700x390, 37.15K)

>making coach talk about barque bacon burgers the entire game

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Jesus christ, not again

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quick rundown on this leak business? main thread seems to be about twitter tranny drama cancer, i just want the rundown on what leaked about actual games

Tranny leaked source code for the source engine. All source games are now compromised and you could get viruses from playing them for now

Its mostly retarded shitposting
Playing tf2 is inadvisable since were not sure what exactly is in the leak, but csgo is more likely then not, safe. Csgos leak is from many iterations ago so it shouldn't have been affected. Tf2 is too much of a crapshoot to say if it is safe or not but its probably fine. Still wouldn't play it though.
Not commenting on the drama because its retarded and everyone has some sort of bias whos said anything

a discord raid started spamming threads of a thing that happened years ago, and made it look like it happened yesterday

Rather new version of TF2 source code got leaked. The funny thing is that nobody *really* knows whether it has any practical meaning or not, because there’s so much fearmongering around with people genuinely being afraid of the unknown and others intentionally stirring up shit just because.

If you want to be sure, just avoid Source MP games like TF2, CSGO and L4D2 for now. It’s likely not even remotely as big thing as everyone is making it out to be, but unless you really have a burning desire to play those games, better wait for some actual info.

Nothing is compromised you shit for brains. You’re just falling for the latest tranny drama over e-celebs that has nothing to do with your game experience.

>trannies destroy the west
>the west has backup copies of all their systems on databases sitting in Mumbai India
>mfw the west falls and Pajeets take over

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Leaked emails

tranny didnt leak it, tranny got someone banned from VNN's circlejerk discord who went pyscho and leaked it

It was the source code for the Source 1 engine that got leaked, not a specific game.

A tranny didnt leak it, but a tranny fuck is still to blame. subhuman tranny freak. in a position of power got somebody removed from a dev team because that person was """"""""""""""transphobic"""""""""""""""""".
That person then took the source code that the dev team used and leaked it as retaliation against the

>go into a bathroom or a port-a-potty as coach
>repeatedly do the "choked" line as you crouch on the toilet

Attached: Coach.png (641x583, 383.35K)

Attached: 1566732485689.png (513x468, 236.8K)

>Dark Carnival
>Final level
>Go up to mic and spam voice commands as fast as possible