>game series goes in a new direction with each installment
Game series goes in a new direction with each installment
Where did it all go so wrong?
is this going to be another shitty meta thread about Yas Forums and the state of Yas Forums.
>take cute anime art
>turn it into some retarded le epic oldfaggot meme
just fucking kill yourself already my dude
panels 4 and 5 are the same
The entire internet is fucked. Too many people are on it
It was faggotry to begin with my dude
final panel should just be a background of pink, white, and light blue because it's literally the only thing Yas Forums ever fucking talks about anymore
>The original game and its sequel are both unique and try something new
>Third game locks the series into the same cookie-cutter formula where every new entry is barely distinguishable from the previous one
the best solution to that would be to traffic phone posters and people of all countries to their own isolated regions. mobile phone internet browsers would only be able to access sites in mobile form only with other mobile users. USCanada internet /EU internet/Latin internet. you can also have individual state regions for the US separating the east coast from the west coast from the south from midwest.
Here is the basedjack version.
The fifth panel was always retarded, made by some newfag hoping he didn't miss the train. Just delete that shit.
It's missing OH NO NO NO
>still on this fucking phoneposter shit
Belligerently retarded. Also segregating people by region is pretty contrary to the site's purpose.
Phone posting is a problem, it let's people who otherwise would've never came her join in. When you actually have to sit in front of a computer to do it less people would be posting
Remember when these panels represented good chunks of the site's lifespan, like 5-6 years each? New panels are now being added seemingly every month, disregard every version with more than 3 panels.
i thought the sites purpose was to initially suck japan's mirco slant eye dick anonymously and discuss board topics. anyone who wants regional shitposting still has Yas Forums.
3 and 4 are the exact same shit too.
Before phoneposting everyone who posted here was a nerd sat at a desktop. Now its full of fucking brainless normalfags and literal children.
This is the only 4 panel version of this that makes sense
The others the 4th panel doesnt even have to do with Yas Forums let alone any panels after. Also this one ends it.
>I'm so jaded and cynical
Grow up.
>The others the 4th panel doesnt even have to do with Yas Forums let alone any panels after.
Literal retard
>tfw don't feel any similarity to any panel
feels great being clean and happy
growing up is exactly what makes people jaded and cynical. the more time you spend on earth, the less joy you can find in the little things and the more the negative becomes noticeable or unignorable.
Have you ever liked something, only to see that something inexorably degenerate into a mere shadow of what it used to be?
I can't wait for the day Yas Forums is shut down
I can finally be free
I've seen it happen to others due to my actions.
Do you feel proud of ruining things?
daily reminder she found her happy end and you didn't
I wouldn't go that far. It's fun.