Are you still using your PS3?

Are you still using your PS3?
You haven't abandoned her for those soulless current gen consoles, have you?

Attached: PS3s_and_controllers_at_E3_2006.jpg (2896x2240, 438.41K)

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It's sitting at uni, I'm so mad. Should have taken it for the quarantine.

Why of course, I had some good times and even made a friend playing MGO2 the other night!
Yours IS hacked, right?

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i use mine when i visit my parents

man I fucking would if I could still buy non-chinkshit controllers for it

currently playing Fatal Frame 2 on it for the first time.

I'm not wasting money on PS3 games, here where I live the used games market is non-existent.

I use it mainly to play PS3 games I didnt have 10 years ago.

wait, you can play online with a hacked console without any issue?


I gave it to my parents so they can watch Netflix on their TV.

No issues at all, and if you're worried you can use apps like PSpatch to mask your console ID when you go online
(the one exception is that you need a pirated version of Black Ops 2 to play that online as the legit version crashes on hacked consoles, but literally no other game that I know of has an issue)
CFW, specifically the new Rebug. I've never used HEN so dunno about that

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PS3 was the start of the soulless consoles for Sony.


I use it just to watch dvds in bed

>pulls almost 200W
Not the most power efficient DVD player ever..

No and no.
ps3 was the last console I got/bought.

Yeah Ive had this one for 8 years now

>needing money when Jailbreaking PS3 is simple as fuck

I'm at uni for quarantine but I have my PS3 with me. What are some must play PS3 exclusives? I left the camera & Move Controller at home, though.

Why don't you play the superior directors cut on Xbox original hardware instead of using shitty emulation?

Yep, I'm actually playing on it right now.

I still do every now and then

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Because I do not own any Xboxes, never will, and I prefer to play the original versions of all games first.

PS3 is a soulless console you dipshit.

I treat my PS3 and PS4 as companion pieces. The online store still has lots of great shit that goes cheap.

>paying the power bill
>any year
Topkek wagieslavie

only problem with ps3 is that you cannot get original ps3 controllers anymore for a reasonable price and all the generic ones have dead zones on sticks.

This thread is for cool and mature PS3 owners, not worthless leeches.

Wait.. I have MGS4 but don't know how to play MGO2 and I thought it's dead.
How to play MGO2?

Pretty sure it uses less power when it's on DVD mode, the 360 does, I remember the original "elite" model I had made way, way less noise when just playing a DVD.

>cool and mature PS3 owners
No such thing.

Been playing Image, Ni no Kuni and El Shaddai on ps3
Of course most newer games are garbage. There's been a steady decline on gaming ever since the first 3d games consoles

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I actually got one last year to play some exclusives, and now I'm kinda running out of games to play on it. I'm not against multiplats that are also on pc since I don't necessarily mind 30fps, but I don't feel like paying 15-20€ for something like Mirror's Edge or Sleeping Dogs. It's the super slim model and I don't think it can be cfw'd, can it?
It's had an uptick in players ever since there became a method to install without CFW or formatting, too

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thanks user.
is it p2p like MGO3?

You can install HEN on super slim, which will at least allow you to play pirated gaems.

lol gaming has been in decline since before you were born zoom zoom

I think it runs on dedicated servers provided by the site

This. Sixth generation was the last soulful/old-school generation.

Lol been playing since I was 3, 30 years ago.
Atari wasn't peak faggot.
Creative freedom and the best they could come up with gameplay mechanics peaked at gen 6. But you wouldnt know that, the best you can come up with is calling older people than u zoomers at Yas Forums

I'll see how that works. Do I need to backup the games and saves I already have (all my games are digital)?

Yes, my launch model has remained plugged in and serves its purpose as a PS1/2 machine