Anime based arena fighting game

>Anime based arena fighting game
>It's actually good and has depth in gameplay
what is her name? Pic unrelated

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I miss the PS2 Ultimate Ninja games.

Kill la Kill : the game

You and me both man


I still wonder why people here insist Tenkaichi 3 has no depth


I played this game until I got sick. It has a decent amount of content, and it has some great cutscenes and roster. But there is a problem. It has nothing else. I tried to squeeze the gameplay as much as I could but no there is nothing good I can say about it. It just gets stale after a couple of hours. 100%ing it was painful as fuck.

the game is good, fag

One Piece Grand Adventure

Naruto Storm 4 is the best interactive anime fighter since Asura's Weath. A stellar adaptation of Naruto.
Hope CC2 does this with My Hero Academia.

Based. Why did they stop with the new content when it could have had so much more? Or at least more fighters.

>One Piece Grand Adventure
>deep gameplay
You played the game long enough to discover all the depth in gameplay. Congratulations man of culture

Shit taste man

Sounds like you just hate fun.

Kisame... we're leaving.

This game was fun as fuck. Was there ever a sequel?

Attached: kisame... we're leafing.png (680x525, 695.89K)

No user, I love fun. QTE games are great.

It's more stuff gleaned from reading around and talking with others. I haven't played the game in over a decade but I still hold it very highly for Arena fighters. The powerstone school needs to come back in my opinion since current arena fighters are more miss than hit.

Why don't you like AW and Naruto Storm 4 then?

Sadly no. There are 2 previous games but they arent as good as GA. The new "sequels" are actually sequels to the ps1 games

The Village Hidden in the Leafs...

>The powerstone school needs to come back in my opinion since current arena fighters are more miss than hit.
Absolutely right.

My Hero One's Justice

Attached: My Hero Academia - #267 - No. 267_ Flames - 1.jpg (784x1145, 106.04K)

Eh, the first one sucked ass. I heard they fixed it in the sequel

people keep saying this but what sets is apart from all the others that pretty much all look the same in both features and gameplay?

The only Naruto game that was worth a shit was that x360 one, bond of a ninja or some shit, because it was actually different from the copy paste anime fighting games

They're retarded. BT3 added a sizable amount of new mechanics.

The Clash of Ninja games were good.

>Here's your indepth mechanic bro

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Fucking kek

yeah, the first and second time, maybe. What number are we on now?

sequel is a bit better but very rough in some parts still.

I was just about to blow a fucking gasket until i read pic unrelated

Yeah, they need to increase the character movement speed.

2 will always have a special place in my heart, the Kakachi fight was kino and the fights only got better from then
Also the great music

op pic is a perfect exemple, gameplay has a lot of depth normies won't notice, and I'm saying that as someone who has more than 1000 hours playing the series since storm generation

>gameplay has a lot of depth

A certain magical virtual on.
Pic unrelated

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