What if you're on Linux
What if you're on Linux
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Then you don't play games anyway, so why worry.
Then you dont really exist
There's always a way
>What if you're on Linux
What are you asking? Steam is known for being Linux-friendly. If you're gaming on Linux, then yes, you'll probably be using Steam.
steam is like THE most linux friendly platform. proton's really done a lot for linux
Retarded posts
>What if you're on Linux
Then you run "sudo apt install steam", and then run "steam", and then log in and enable Steam Play in the settings.
it doesn't run with sudo privileges :^)
Some distros come even with Steam preinstalled, like Manjaro.
It's actually pretty decent. Runs most low spec windows games without many problems.
Are you talking about the leak thing? Did TF2 or CS:GO even work with proton? Linux users are safe
>tfw Valve games actually run better under Linux
>same for OpenGL/Vulkan games under Proton
All Linux need is a distro made by some big company to become mainstream at this point
Manjaro doesn't come preinstalled with fucking Steam you retard.
They are native titles.
>Manjaro comes preinstalled with Steam, so there’s no need to go to a website and download it manually.
The leak have nothing to do with it.
There is Ubuntu a.k.a. Linux for niggers and SteamOS
wintoddlers are so fucking dumb
>Valve games
And nothing of value was gained
>Source code makes things less secure
You can really tell Windows kids haven't been around much.
then unless youre playing AAA games youre shit out of luck, those are the only ones that get the linux support via steam proton
Imagine actually buying into this hoax.
Do redditors actually get cowed by "echo YOU HAVE BEEN HAXXORED" tier fakes?
Canonical is not a "big company" and SteamOS is dead at this point. I'm talking about a real distro meant for more than gaming backed by something like Google, IBM, whatever.
I had some luck with indies so far, simple games will run just fine.
>All Linux need is a distro made by some big company
This has been done. Even Valve made their own Linux distro. It's not going to convince computer-illiterate Windows users to do anything even 1% harder than using the OS they already know. Besides, the average person has never installed an operating system; people buy computers with Windows pre-installed. You can tell Windows users that installing a Linux distro like Ubuntu is no harder than installing Windows, and you would be right, but it still sounds hard to them because they realize they've never actually installed Windows before. They buy a laptop with Windows and lots of bloatware pre-installed, and if they have problems with it, they buy another.
Honestly I wouldn't have minded steamOS if they kept up with it a little longer. If they had let users get a different web browser and have a basic desktop environment I'd be using it on a living room pc or something
nu/v/ is fucking retarded. They really think just because the source got leaked it means some 1337 haxx0r will find an exploit that leads to privileged escalation and remote code execution.
>Backed by Google
IBM owns redhat :^)
and steamos isn't really dead, they just haven't done a formal release in a millenia
from what I've gathered valve has been moving away from the debian base and they have been funding work on kde so who knows what they are planning
there is also this
I did a cursory look up of what games i had played recently to see if i could've been on linux this whole time, surprisingly things like neir automata and doom get high platinum ratings but the cracks come through when you look up games that were released more than ten or 15 years ago, i just have no justification to game on linux over windows when its still not as functional
They weren't even trying with SteamOS, and their model was retarded. No one was going to download some "gaming OS" that couldn't barely game at all, and those stupid enough to do that wouldn't know how to even install it. I'm talking about some big company making a distro and making companies like Dell ship it with prebuilts for free or something like that. It already happens with Ubuntu at some extend, but Canonical is irrelevant and people don't trust it.
Why did you delete your post tho
>he doesn't game on Linux and use a VM for the few games that don't work because of anti-cheat software
Lmaoing at you.
any linuxbros playing bannerlord without constant crashes? what's your setup?
Where are you even getting this totally wrong information? Wait a minute, do you actually think the officially whitelisted games are the only ones that run? lmao
Redhat is not aimed at domestic users thought