This game is the living proof that a good gameplay doesn’t make the game automatically good

This game is the living proof that a good gameplay doesn’t make the game automatically good

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More like proof that you need more to have a great game. DMC4/V will go down as just of generic sequels.

V was good tho

4/V are both good. Seriously i don't know wthat's the problem, if we talk about the plot it has always been nosense and badass.

It's a good game though

just play BP

It's DMC5, retarded secondaries.

You're proving his point.

No, it certainly doesn't. It needs stages, enemies, things for the player to do with that good gameplay. Just good gameplay is shallow thinking that oversimplifies game design to just one element, whichever one is at the forefront while pretending that everything else is so secondary it might as well just be extras.

Thinking back on this game I remember being very defensive of it when it came out but, truth be told, it wasn't that I liked 4 but rather that 3 was so good that anything associated to it had to defended and fuck anyone who didn't agree. It was love by association rather than for its own merits. Now, after having played it for the better part of a decade, I don't like it, anymore. It's a mediocre game and if it weren't for DmC it's very provable that it wouldn't be so revered.

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If the level design didn’t suck and it wasn’t half finished I’d like the game, everything else about it is great but it’s not what you’re focusing on for most of your playthroughs. The bland, lazy, sometimes frustrating but mostly boring levels are what’s sticking out.

Not to be a DMC1fag but its simplified RE-like level design in addition to the chapter system kept the game fast paced and full of brevity. The constant addition of new weapons and abilities makes the game feel like a true adventure and progression through a mysterious castle overrun by demons. Fucking brilliant game

though if gameplay is insanely good it actually can carry the game.

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It's still really good.
And I play it to this day, just for Vergil.

> V

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Are you saying God Hand has bad level design?

DMC4 is a good game
Could have been better? Sure. Disappointing? Absolutely but I can't call it bad.

The backtracking is terrible
Bloody Palace in 4 is the best BP don't even (You) me.

>though if gameplay is insanely good it actually can carry the game
>gets btfo by imagine party babyz
godhand fags seriously believe their game is good lol

Attached: GodHand gameplay.webm (1920x1080, 2.95M)

DMC is best enjoyed skipping the even-numbered games


Attached: god hand combat.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

He's partially right. DMC4 is unfinished.
Campaign fuckin sucks, long before you get to backtrack the entire first half of the game.
A lot of what they did finish is great though. Like the combat. And bloody palace is all combat, with no wandering around big empty levels or dealing with tedious fucking puzzles.

I just played 5 recently. As always, gauntlets are my go-to weapon with Dante. Balrog? More like Ballerog. Breaking it into punch and kick mode was kind of weird but I think I've gotten used to it now. The sway dodges are cool as fuck and can work brilliantly against some bosses. I really appreciate how its closer to DMC1's Ifrit with the whole fire theme. Fire gauntlets just work so well.

>cinematic snoy (((gameplay)))


The difference between God Hand & DMC4 is that God Hand is a complete game. It is feature complete, it has all the planned mechanics, levels, side content, etc. DMC4 is barely half the game it was planned to be for a number of reasons so you play the same content 2.5 times with only 2 characters despite the content being designed for only 1 time through with specifically Nero.

DMC5 is also a complete game, but you can feel that they ran low on budget when designing the final act of the game.

seek help

>god hand
>complete game
Nice meme. There are clear cuts around mirage level and onwards.

Game's too much fun for the level design and asset reuse to really bother the shit out of me. I'll play it any day of the week.

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i could never get the mid-air roundhouse kick to work consistently in the game. do enemies have to be at a specific height when there in the air?

>There are clear cuts around the end of the game

TWEWY focused a lot of its design on the gameplay and it was great.

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You fucking wish Sony games were that fun or complex.

Gameplay is an umbrella term that encompasses everything from the combat system to enemy design to level design. Everything that constitutes gameplay.
DMC4 doesn't have great gameplay, it has a great combat system.

play god of war 2018

aptly put

Not fun and not complex. Camera ruins that game.

TWEWY was also completed on release and had a sizable post-game that made great use of its various mechanics.

Tell me user, how would you fix DMC4?

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Fucking kek

how far back can I go

Give Nero a robot arm.

As far as you want I guess, whatever that means

Let Itsuno finish the fucking thing, the game’s shiftiness is not an incompetence issue and more of a time constraint one. The time around DMC4’s development is when Capcom’s management started going full retarded, too

Make an actual campaign for Dante with new bosses and enemies that are tailored made for him.