Come on, tell us about that game you're making

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woah, talking monkeys

When the FUCK are they gonna put out a new album?

haha black people

hov is waay past his prime
detox, I've been waiting for that shit since I was a kid I'm now 26 FUCK "watch out for detox" MY ASS

Csgo w/ over watch skills

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Jay-z is one of the chimpiest looking nigs I seen. How did he get Beyonce?

he threatened her with violence

picked her at age 16-17, made her famous and rich
he's all she knows

you're not supposed to give real answers user play along

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>Jay-z is one of the chimpiest looking nigs
by being smart and wise with his money, that's how

seed to the feed
thick bitch I breed
dough I gotta knead
my main man sneed

jay-z is a faggot but Timberland is my nigga

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I mean, he's not wrong. Shit.

I don't disagree but Jay is pretty much a household name for me

he has that song about it

I'm still mad at Dre, he's literally the reason why Scottie Pippen didn't play during the 1997-1998 season

Well, I was thinking it'd be a structured open world collect-a-thon, except more in the way of Pokemon mixed with cards, as in the creatures live in cards. And I figure one really innocuous design could be the older the card gets, the more worn, it could signify the creatures age or it's battle condition or something like that. Maybe a poisoned creature, the card could flash green or something.

That's all I got for right now....

what's the appeal of Jay-Z anyway? I always thought he was a mediocre leech with basic rap talent, like really basic, and the beats were horrid

I don't personally see the appeal of Jay-Z but he gets a lot of credit for the early stages of rap and the genre in general. And that song he did with Linkin Park is absolutely kino, for what it's worth.

Never, he's living the based mogul life, banging Beyonce, and 4:44 was the perfect sendoff
Never, just does Eminem music video cameos and lets Marshall rake in millions worth of royalties for them both.

>I don't personally see the appeal of Jay-Z but he gets a lot of credit for the early stages of rap and the genre in general.
WTF? No. He married Beyonce. That's ALL he did.

the chorus of 99 problems is cool
but uhh you're right

It's a text-based pirate-themed porn game set in a fantasy world analogous to the mid 1700s. Your ship is your hub, with fuck-able party members who make up your crew. They also give passive and active buffs for ship combat. You can visit port cities in all the different nations of the world, with the capital cities having most of the content- the other cities are mainly just there to give you more locations to trade your goods. Each nation has primary imports and exports so you can make money by selling high and buying low, or just stealing the cargo from the countries' ships. The overall objective is to acquire the keys to a treasure vault belonging to a famous pirate captain. The big reveal is that the "treasure" is a Lovecraftian monster (female) that the pirate captain was in love with, and you have to fuck it back into submission

>dead presidents II
>horrid beat

I don't even like Jay-Z but c'mon son.


Making a zako enemies based game

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I just fuck about with RPG Maker. Got this massive story I want to tell through multiple episodes with character that are spread across continents. That's all without writing a wall of text about the plot. It's kind of like Game of Thrones, if Game of Thrones wasn't as reserved with the magical themes. Most characters are obviously based off of different parts of my personality. For example, there's a secluded large city with more advanced tech than the rest of the world (aka Midgar / Haven City rip-off) with a tyrannical, warmonger leader whose son hates him so much that he joined an underground group and his story arc is how he helps the underground group incite a full scale rebellion and get his dad killed - this all of course based off of my edgy daddy issues.

Been fucking around with this shit since RPG Maker 2000 and haven't made a single complete episode yet because my autismal brain just keeps adding on stories and characters and never completing any project.

I've been told multiple times to write a book instead but I really don't know how to write most of the story instead of showing it.

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Games where you have a base or hub to return to and fills up with the cast of characters you meet and shit are great, godspeed user.

Nigga. All you gotta do is search for Jay-Z's influence and you'll get a swarm of articles listing his deeds and contributions. He did a lot more than marry some chick with halitosis. If the culture ain't your thing then I could see how you'd think that.