/Comfy Animal Crossing Thread/

Post dodos

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Other urls found in this thread:

nooknet.net/tunes?melody=A-B-C-B-C-B-B-G-A-B-C-B-C-B-B-G&title=New Melody

post feet


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Built a little path behind my town to the secret beach in preparation for Redd.

Thinking of putting up a little sign pointing to it but not sure what to put on it. Maybe something with Redd himself on it?

Isabelle wojak user you're late

Anyone got a diy for gold amor shoes? I’ll pay NMT or bells.

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Reopening in case anyone needs these fossils

Ankylo Torso
Brachio Chest
Brachio Pelvis
Dimetrodon Skull
Iguanodon Torso x2
Left Ptera Wing
Left Quetzal Wing x2
Mammoth Torso x2
Opthalmo Skull x2
Opthalmo Torso x2
Pachysaurus Skull x2
Pachysaurus Tail x2
Parasaur Torso
Plesio Tail
Sabertooth Tail x2
Spino Skull
Spino Torso
Stego Torso x2
Tricera Tail

Also a few spare DIY recipes


will pay nmt or bells for rusted parts

> general when

Anyone have turnips at least >200? I wanted to sell locally, but it seems I'm on a decreasing pattern.

i can make it for you if you have the gold

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It's a little late but I still have two Cherry blossom DIYs for any user's who might need them.
I have pond-stone and the tree-wall, only asking for NMT or equal stuff for each.
Reply with dodo and i'll show up.

How many nugs does it take?

I need cosmos. Who has cosmos?

Post your island tune

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Does anyone know if it's possible in NH to have different villagers call you by different nicknames? I used to have like 4 different nicknames in NL, but this time Cherry gave me a nickname a few days ago and Audie keeps asking to call me that too and I keep saying no but she doesn't try to give me a different one.

What the fuck is up with New Horizons and trying to place items while too close to a wall. Literally every other game tried its absolute hardest to place an item even if there was no room. It would look for any space to place it and would even go so far as to push your ass out of the way to get it done. Now I'm .9 units away from a wall while trying to place a 1x1 item and the game refuses to do it.

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i love your town and thank for the recipe!

this is doctored i can tell by the pixels

Hosting again for chic rose crown DIY.
Cole is north west. To the right of Nook shop.
Saharah is also here.
DODO is 24TS9

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Don’t have. I’d rather the recipe to be honest anyways but thanks.

will leaving them sick affect chances of them leaving?

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Anyone got a shop open? Mines remodeling and I’d like to buy some customizes. I’m out...

bruh what happened to your gold

Time for infinite Wuh Oh's

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Looks like someone's on their way here! Enjoy staring at this loading screen!

Thanks bro
Hopefully I left the NMT to the right dude

His wanted poster
How many per part?

Dodo spam?


I used it to make the other gold armor and other gold related things lmao.

uh idk does 1 per part sound good?

Yeah, I got two at the same time, but the newer one is slowly replacing the older one

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Zephyr Bay - GK6CX (shit crashed last time)

585 bell turnips. Flip's making a bamboo stopblock. I know a lot of you guys have closed Cranny's today, so no toll necessary, but tips are appreciated if you want to leave them.

Guess what this is

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Send me the link and I'll try

3 for one, I got two extras, so 6

What did she mean by this?

nooknet.net/tunes?melody=A-B-C-B-C-B-B-G-A-B-C-B-C-B-B-G&title=New Melody

Oh. Did villagers who called you by the old one start using the new one suddenly without asking? One thing I've noticed is that if Cherry is involved in a conversation with another villager and I join in, the other villager will call me by Cherry's nickname during that conversation but won't use it when I'm only talking to them.

has anyone crafted the robot hero?


Guys when it says "Please end the conversation" how long do I actually I have because I just keep getting paranoid and closing the window before selling my turnips.

shiet, okay post code ill come with ur tickets

No problem dude. Thanks for coming

I bought it from ac reddit discord for 2 or 3 stacks of gold

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Fuck you 1000000% because I actually want the ability to do this

No, they ask to replace the old one with the new one they're hearing about, went from backbeat to B-puff

any idea what sahara has?

There will be a timer if someone minus out

What else would fit in my trash room?

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Ayo Trace.
Can you fuck off?

Anyone got any cool design codes?

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Alright, just a sec

>that minimap
Holy soulless...

Saharah selling curtins and dirt
Freya crafting Gold bars DIY, her house is north west
code is: FXV5R

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lets talk about flower breeding

a picture of your waifu


will animals use rugs you send them?
not carpet, the rugs

Let's talk about Haribo Goldbears. The red one is more gooder to me because it tastes like berries.

Its a prison island what do u want

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Is this prison island?

That was a based island.

sahara is random isn't it

Parking Flooring, Scramble Crosswalk Flooring, Maybe Bank-vault wall and I forgot the last one but that's all I got I think.

thy "mystery" ones are the same, ticket ones are random

minus8 more like minusBASED

Without thinking about it, what's the best species of villager?

Ok, thanks. Guess I'll just have to be patient and hopefully someone else will give me a nickname.

gotcha, thanks

I went there to sell my turnips once and it actually looks pretty cool. Kind weird how there's blood everywhere though.