This is Tobias Rieper. He's a successful businessman from England with a penchant for eastern hookers...

This is Tobias Rieper. He's a successful businessman from England with a penchant for eastern hookers. He's also a world-renown cat burglar looking for a new identity.

Say something nice about him

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Tobias is a big mean jerk and I have nothing nice to say

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Stupid pandemic. I miss hookers.


He's packing

You have worse worries than corona if you like hookers anyway

>47 would use different throwaway names for his covers in the previous games
>in HITMAN it's always Tobias Rieper
This annoys me more than it should, but why couldn't they switch it around?

Is Tobias even an English name?

Sorry sir, area is off-limits.
That's right, turn around and walk away.

Tobias Rieper was the name he used in C47. It's a throwback to that game

It was a cute reference in Paris, but got ridiculous soon after that. Doesn't Illuminati realize that their henchmen keep dying whenever this Rieper guy is around?

I mean, they do figure out after like 3 assassinations that someone's attacking them. It's not like every single mission in the game has you introducing yourself to everyone as Tobias Rieper. If you're working in customer service, you're hearing hundreds of names on the daily. Something as inconspicuous as Tobias Rieper wouldn't stick with anyone, and is uncommon enough to not come off as an obvious fake name

Who cares it’s just a cover. 47 is actually a Romanian clone.


I recently reinstalled Hitman 2 as something to do during the coofening. Forgot how fun the shit is.

>If you're working in customer service, you're hearing hundreds of names on the daily.
Such names would still end up in a registry, and practically all of 47's targets are high profile and members of some supervillain secret society, it wouldn't take long for someone to connect the dots that someone is after them and pour over any available information to find a common link.

I can't believe 47 jobbed against BANS

>you're name is tobi. what is your name?

He was registered in a luxury hotel, a luxury hospital AND a luxury hideaway for wealthy crooks. Those places are selective about their clients and names stay in records. It's like ICA was so proud of the pun they came up with that they insisted 47 to use the same alias everywhere, regardless of how reckless it is.

His games were better before always online DRM AIDS.

>47 walks in with a ticket, no indication that his name was anywhere on file
>option to attend the iago auction as "Tobias Rieper", which Dalia wasn't aware of someone with such a name, and there's no likelihood that 47 makes a bid anywhere, nor is it likely that this ultra-secret meeting has any type of roster. that being said, who's to say attending is even canon
>47 never introduces himself to anyone or gives his fake name
>same as above
>providence figures out they're under attack after this episode, and presumably that the ICA is being the attacks
Why are you autistically obsessing over this one detail? Who's to say ICA doesn't have someone hacking and scrubbing the registry after every kill? Dude, just get the fuck over it.

Oh shit someone screenshotted my post

that alone pushed me away from trying the new games but once i was able to get the 2016 content for free, i gave it a chance and had a lot more fun than i expected.

I just want an Ezra Berg costume with a jumpsuit

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>Ezra Berg
Honestly Colorado is probably my least favorite mission of all nu-Hitman levels. Isle of S'gail is pretty fucking close tho.

Yeah, i kinda like it but it suffers from too many fucking guards. I just want his costume because his mask would make for a good Michael Myers cosplay (without going into copyright violation territory). I wish they added this back in the previous halloween event.

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>be an assasin.
>name is "To be as Ripper"

The guards wouldn't be so bad if there weren't so many fucking enforcers everywhere

>To buy ass ripper

Someone is doing stuff they shouldn't

Sgail has interesting visual design, but god damn how hard the targets suck ass. Barring the security room kill for one of the twins, it feels fucking impossible to kill them with anything but the scripted opportunities.

Feel like a real dumbass for buying 1 & 2 while they were on sale without realizing that you could get every mission from 1 in 2.

Yeah plus I don't like levels where 90% of it is a restricted area. Just makes getting the SA/SO run more tedious.
You still need to own 1 anyway.

How is it possible to hate Sgail? It's literally the perfect Hitman mission
>huge level with lots of verticality
>incredible variety of approach
>many, many, many different disguises with strengths and weaknesses
>amazing Eyes Wide Shut atmosphere
>lots of different kill opportunities
>lots of hidden secrets everywhere

Colorado also wasn't popular, but it's one of my favorite levels. I objectively see it as a worse level than almost all the rest in the new games, but I just can't help but like it. It's extremely comfy, and loads of fun to SASO, especially because you have to play the whole thing as a pure stealth game.


It's definitely harder than the missions that came before, but there's far, far, far more than just the scripted ops to get a SA kill. I recommend you git observation skills

>not Reaper
Come on dude

Do you think 47 enjoys making his little puns? It seems to be the one thing I could say the guy actually has a little fun with.

SASO on Master was Bangkok levels of pain in the ass. Banging cock in ass.

>Learns the drums just in case he ever needs to use the skill to get close to a target
Did Ort-meyer give him industrial strength autism?

Bangkok isn't even that bad, only thing that's tricky is getting and putting the cake topper in place.

You're not a consumate professional, you wouldn't understand.

Yeah, it’s a pretty annoying one to complete.
>security room and the camera recorder is pure ass to access without savescumming, because there are so many moving variables around
>the lawyer is either the easiest target in the game (poison) or a pain in the ass
>want to kill Cross, have fun with million cameras, guards and NPCs on the way
>lack of alternative routes
It’s not fun even when played regularly, don’t even want to attempt SASO on it.

Because it's proof that IOI cares more about making the funny fanservice nods than actually being logical.
They're too memey overall, just look at how they tried to play off the Mk2 shitshow as "the funny joke" with the Homing Briefcase.
It's part of why the tone is less memorable than the original, everything is clean, shiny and humorous. It's like a theme park version of Hitman.

I actually love Isle of Snail. It's probably my most played level.

However, it's mostly good as a sandbox, for the cool challenges, and for custom contracts. The main targets are annoying to try to "free kill" because their primary loops are so dull and they don't really do anything interesting unless you activate opportunities yourself, and the only way to activate those opportunities is to impersonate someone. You can't be the shadow behind the scenes covertly interfering. YOU have to be Jebediah Block, Blake Nathaniel, the Master of Ceremonies, the winning candidate for the treasure hunt, etc. You can't manipulate anyone.

As a result, SASO on "Ark Society" is the most boring tedious shit no matter what you do.

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>How is it possible to hate Sgail?
Felt overly scripted, even when trying to break it off the rails. Honestly, all of 2 felt weaker than 1 to me. My rankings are

>Santa Fortuna
>Whittleton Creek
>Power Gap
>Power Gap

Fuck the Hero of Santa Fortuna challenge tho. That shit is bugged as all fuck.