>Valve's source codes leak.
>Tyler McNigger publishes his conversations with a Valve insider as a proof that he's innocent.
>The conversations are even MORE damaging to the company than the leak itself.
Is he autistic, or just retarded?
Valve's source codes leak
what a punchable face
Just fuck my shit up!
>The conversations are even MORE damaging to the company than the leak itself.
he doesnt give a fuck as long as HE's okay
He admitted on the recent video that he is mentally ill. He’s retarded or something. Look it up.
So where's the source code then?
>tfw on tyler duty this week
>Tyler McNigger publishes his conversations with a Valve insider as a proof that he's innocent
no he didnt, he copied the conv he had with them back in 2016 or whenever it took place to a few insiders to see if it was legit.
stop spreading misinfomation if you want to make tyler look bad.
source please
Is it just me or is this whole thing literally a nothingburger schzitrannies that make anti valve threads obsess about?
Get outta your head, study acting, study clowning, study the voice, get to a good place in organized crime
come back here when you ARE the JOKER
Would you become the joker for an autistic gamer gf Yas Forums
is it true that the tranny is his brother?
all of this shit is what mentally ill people with nothing to do occupy their time with. cringe to the absolute maximum.
why did you post vilppu
>Jokes on you, my life has always been miserable.
The important thing is the source-code leak and F-Stop source code leak and everything else, every single fucking thing else, is Yas Forums seething about Tyler and trannies.
Tyler didn't publish this, it was bundled in by the Source leaker try to harm him. Also there's nothing damaging in there, 4 year old gossip about cancelled games
when did this start getting popular?
feel like I've only started seeing it in the last few weeks
he suffers from depression and anxiety.
What a faggot
A CNN anchor said the whole Russia collusion thing was a "nothingburger" done only for ratings and it caught on. It's at least a year old at this point.
yea he will get bullied to hell now so that wont help, I honestly dont like him much as a person, he might be slightly autistic from what I saw on his streams
not memeing btw lowkey think he has asperg or something
dont we all
Nailed it. Internet bubble culture at its peak.
tl;dr of the whole chat? I am not read this shit
Yas Forums obviously has a tranny fetish considering their massive folders containing images of them that they post 24/7, along with how their constantly thinking about them.
The F-Stop in the leak is just a fanmod
At least 2006. It's been around for awhile, user.