So this is the reason why all this source code leaking drama happened, valve and their userbase is doomed

so this is the reason why all this source code leaking drama happened, valve and their userbase is doomed

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>Tyler McNigger is still trying to damage control this shit
Lmao, lube up your ass, your future cellmate Tyrone will be happy.

seriously, not trolling...but who is this, what's going on, i don't know what any of this is or means, why should i care?

you shouldnt unless you live on tf2/csgo or any valve game right now

valve innercircle tranny discord drama is leaking and killed tf2+csgo, nobody with a sane mind plays these two games

Where are the other ten parts?

We did when Solider entered the Halls of Valhalla.

so the reason why it happened is some white nigger from Yas Forums who couldn't stop letting trannies live rent free in his head got triggered over a tranny existing and flippIHATENIGGERS!sorry this post is a ploy to distract the janny trannies from seeing the truth but I seriously FUCKING HATE NIGGERS but do NOT tell them this or we will both get in trouble trust me on this it must be a secret between only you and I.

>Problematic behavior including racism, homophobia and transphobia
From what I heard, they were all in discord and during random conversation the leaker was asked if he'd put his kid on HRT if the kid asked for it. When the guy said "I wouldn't do that even if it wasn't my kid" everybody piled on him and kicked him out. Pretty shitty if you ask me.


So obtaining trade secrets illegally is totally okay so long as you're pro trans and homosexuality?

Why is the person in that picture Maximilian Dood?

A bunch of posts along the lines of "Valve please don't hurt me or the rest of Valve News Network we dindunuffin" ie saving their own asses for being part of a crime.

god damn, why are trannies so intertwined with video games?

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Sperg gets banned, throws shit fit

more discord drama. yawn. people like this are a dime a dozen.

Except they're not actually.

Cripplingly mentally ill shut-ins have nothing better to do, really.

Because their lives are fiction and 40% off.

Because video games are for children and effeminate men

Because video games and anime were created by the Japanese to sissify straight white men in order to make them too weak to rise up when they launch their counterattack for the atomic bombs. WW2 never ended it only went on a cease fire.

What a fucking ill faggot.

>incel is being a retard
>others kick him off the group
>incel has a meltdown so he does something illegal and stupid that will ruin his life and two videogames
>"look what you made me do trannies :(((("
Sad thing is that Yas Forumstatrds will actually think that he is a victim in all of this.

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I should be able to play 1.6 right?

More surprising to me is how many of them are involved in programming, seemingly way more than women. which with how few of them there are, I think is pretty notable

Hope he gets lots of time in federal prison desu

No kidding. People seethe and blame muh trannies when this guy clearly has weapons grade autism

Stop believing everything you read in the internet you pathetic sheep. From the other thread:

>in the thread where it was first leaked some dude posted doxx on the supposed leaker "Maxx"
>There are very obvious mentions of Maxx nickname in the config files for that game that got leaked alongside csgo and tf2

Weird things about those posts: he called Maxx a simp and told us not to praise him. In that case "simp" sounded generic, it's like he wanted to say "hello 4channers this guy is le simp pls hate him". Apparently there was also Maxx's mod for that game included alongside (it's supposedly empty). Sounds to me like the tranny got mad at Maxx for some reason and tried to frame him. I mean if you wanted leaked something like that you would definitely think of removing all your marks. Not sure if that was OP, but even after that doxx got posted, someone who seemed like he knew about the leak kept posting (OP?). It wouldn't make sense for Maxx to keep posting after someone doxxed him, so I'm thinking it was someone else. It's weird how he didn't mention that he was transphobic in the doxx, only called him a simp. It's like he used words transphobic and simp according to platform to maximize the amount of hate he would get"

Check the original thread yourself. Doxx is one of last posts.

They are still male in their mind.
Males like video games.
Wa-la not so difficult.

>group of retards illegally using code they illegally own
>retarded drama leads to one of them to leak shit illegally

what a perfect timing to kill cs:go LMAO

From what I've been reading the guy who leaked all the shit is fucking based.

Twitter is such a fucking shitshow, goddamn
Only good as a gfur artist feed

From what I understand, the leaker was saying pretty terrible things about a transgender member of their mod team. So, idk, maybe don't trash talk someone on your team if you want to remain a part of that team?

tl;dr Don't start none, won't be none.

Also this desu.

>Trannies are awful fucking "people" and they deserve what they get.

Stay braindead sheep.
>sees a tweet essay with no proof
>wow it must be true!
Question everything.

Or a fucking unstable psychopath who will be going to jail for this.

>valve is full of trannies
Why people still give money to that trashfire of a company?

You need to have some sort of mental illness to enjoy video games or anime as an adult
Trannies are mentally ill
Not that hard to see a connection tbqh

why does EVERYTHING involving americans and videogames also involve transexuals?

>why are trannies so intertwined with garbage video games


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No its VNN and his tranny brother who illegally had the code to try and recreate Valve's abandoned projects.

he's a fucking moron on top of that because he could have sold it to the russians or the chinese
this nigga goin to jail for free
I bet he's a janny on 4channel too

A-are we gonna be okay lads?

Maybe but he managed to ruin trannies' lives along with it

You know what I'd do if I got fired over trannies? That's right I'd leak on the way out!

Stay tinfoiled, conspiracy retard.

If he's going to jail, so will Tyler, since he was part of the group who hoarded that source code (already illegal). The Yas Forums leaker just let it spread further. The most fucked will be the schizo guy who originally leaked it and whoever received it from him and let it spread to random people in his group.

>revenge against trannies
>this doesn't affect them in any way shape or form
>he'll go to jail and he will never get a job in anything related to programming
Ah, the good ol' "shoot yourself in the foot." It sure showed them trannies.

Jesus I try and avoid politics as much as possible but they are popping up way too many times in the center of drama.

Well, we know at least ONE person who won't be after all this.

Someone is going to get Tyrone'd over this

Are you legit retarded? That Twitter essay might as well be a conspiracy too since it has no PROOF.

According to the story the guy that leaked the source is a Yas Forumstard that got bullied by a tranny at valve.

Why is it always those things? Every fucking time there is drama it's because of some wannabe trap forgetting to do their semi-hourly dilate ritual

Can someone please actually tell me what is going on?
Something about a source code leak?

Reference and . They didn't have any right to even have said code. Hell there are rumors going around they also paywalled access to this stuff so if that's true then that's just adding on the fact that they had it without Valve's knowledge.

I mean, if you're a transgender dude, then this is more or less going to be an absolute win.