The greatest boss fight in all of Souls in your path

>The greatest boss fight in all of Souls in your path
Nothing personnel kid
>inb4 Dark Souls 1
This game doesn’t have a single good boss fight
>inb4 DS3 maingame
No, they’re either jank gimmick bosses or generic uninspired knight bosses.
>inb4 Sekiro bosses
That’s cheating.

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>This game doesn’t have a single good boss fight

Artorias was fucking awful I agree


Not even the best boss fight in his own DLC my man.

Ludwig is better

>That’s cheating.
So you admit they're better lol

orphan is boring as fuck until he starts throwing stuff at you.

Look. Ludwig is kino sure, but Orphan of Kos is the better fight. Ludwig starts of well as a great beast fight, then after the GOAT transition he just slashes over and over again. Meanwhile Orphan of Kos has an amazing and varied moveset that only gets better as the fight goes on. Plus the atmosphere and concept is kino

More like okay at first phase, the whole "what the fuck" at phase 2.

Also, Ludwig is glorious so opinion discarded.

Miyazaki copied wojak

>opinion disregarded
Who’s opinion. Nobody disagrees. Also Orphan’s first phase is amazing too

Orphan is objectively the hardest FromSoft boss.

I actually really hate Sekiro fights, compared to other Souls games they feel 100% memorization-based.
Sorry but the best boss was Ludwig

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gael was better

Nah. His fight was great but like Ludwig it was TOO reliant on spectacle, visuals and OST. Orphan of Kos is a better FIGHT

The first stage was kino. The second stage was just plain retarded, completely unpredictable and basically just winnable through luck, overleveling, or extreme autism.

I should’ve used Sir Alonne instead of Orphan of Kos. Now this thread is dead

Ludwig>Nameless King>Fume Knight
should i feel bad for doing the boss the way i did?

Half of DaS1 fights are fucking iconic

Almost every hard boss fight in Souls is memorization-based. Hell, any boss fight in Sekiro has more mechanical depth and skill involved than any boss fight in other Souls games, by virtue of requiring and allowing multiple counters and more specific timings.

>a fucking nudist
No thanks

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That’s what I thought at first but his second phase is actually more controlled than the first one. It looks like random tardrage at first but that’s just meant to throw you off. You’re meant to keep a distance and pay attention as to where his attacks actually land instead of just dodging through everything on impulse
Nameless King is shit boss with a trash first phase and a boring second phase. Fume Knight is way better

Only Ornstein and Smough

Fume Knight is the pinnacle boss of Slow Souls games

thats not friede or gael though

>That’s cheating.
Because half of the Sekiro's bosses are better than the orphan?

Isshin and Demon of Hatred are far harder

Yeah Fume Knight was loads of fun. Definitely one of the top 5 Souls bosses


No, he's right.

I'm not sure you know what the word iconic means

I'm not sure you do. All the bosses I named are iconic enough that they got referenced heavily in DS3, save for Nito.

Let me list all DS3 bosses that were better
Champion Gundyr
Nameless King
Twin Princes
Soul of Cinder
Demon Princes
Also Orphan is the hardest, not best boss in BB

No, actually orphan isn’t the best fight because I can’t afford a PS4 and I hate Sony. OP btfo

Exactly. Sekiro's bosses are miles better than any other From title, easily

Fuck Friede, she was a complete mess. Gael, Demon Prince and Midir are amazing bosses because they are actually designed to be played in DS3 instead of Bloodborne. Even if Friede was fought in Bloodborne, her spammy moveset and redundant second phase puts her far, far below the likes of Orphan, Gehrman, Ludwig and Maria.
I haven’t played the game but I spoilt all of the bosses and both Isshin fights and Owl (Father) looked like gaming porn.
They are iconic because of their character, lore and overall design not the actual boss fight itself.

Abyss Watchers>Ludwig>Sir Alonne>Manus>Friede

That old man should've been aborted, was probably in his mom's womb his entire life trapped. It's no wonder it wants to murder anything within a few meters.

Not even the best one in the DLC. Orphan of Kos was decent, because it had super tight parry timings and a fairly fun second phase.
Both Ludwig and Lady Maria are better on the overall execution.

What's your excuse for not having played Sekiro by now, user
Exactly, you don't have one, so go get it and play it

Owl 2 and Sword Saint are great for challenge, but Owl 1 and old Isshin are more interesting boss fights.

The ladder maker from DS2 also gets referenced heavily in DS3, so he's iconic too right? So does Eathern Peak, absolutely iconic location.

You can't call something iconic just because it gets referenced in IT'S OWN SEQUEL, you slut. It would have to transcend and be reasonably well known outside of it's own series, like Sif and O&S but definitely NOT like fucking Gwyndolyn