Why this country loves games the most

Why this country loves games the most

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Because they can only afford games from golden era of gaming

cause they love competition and are good at it (5 world cups, all the top teams in europe have at least one crucial brazilian players, world class players in every sport, at least 1 big idol in every sport, etc)

>5 world cups
7 × 1

Everything to remove us from the awful reality


Because they are based.

Because only richfags coomsumers can afford new games and the plebs don't have a high enough voice to decide what sucks and what doesn't


Bolsonaro 2022!!!

>only richfags coomsumers can afford new games
Favelaniggers are buying iPhones and regional pricing exists.

Meds are competitive and they make the blacks do the competition. They brag about it and get payed so they are happy with it

Basically this Try living in brazil for some time, you'll accept any kind of dissociation method available.

It happened, that's football for you, but it will never happen again. One scoreline won't change our rich and beautiful history.


>t. favelados

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>third worlder putting down other third worlders
Yeah I bet you live on the nice part of the turd mound.

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Because Fallen

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Kill yourself.

>Only poor people are allowed to escape from reality
c'mon bruh step it up

kek, don't reply to my post if you earn less than 6 digits a month, middle class mutt

Do Brazilians really play this seriously. Are they that poor?

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Ehh, most brazilians plays 4 games: FIFA for normies, LOL and CS:GO for normies who think they aren't normies, and kids still buying and playing PS2 games.

Nice try, brazilian

I am american, I just noticed the game dominating yotube live and most streams were BR monkeys

>parking my car in a car lot
>dude is playing what I think is that shit on his phone
>hands me the receipt and takes my car keys without even making eye contact

Because we have a piracy culture that allows us to pirate nearly everything and every Brazilian learns how to pirate games from birth.
There's also a bunch of sports games and f2p games that allows us feed the competitive nature of a Brazilian.
In fact I had the most Brazilian game session yesterday.

>Decided to give it a go to PUBG lite, basically the mobile version of Pubg but on pc
>Joined a squad composed of other 3 Brazilians
>One was a literal 12 years old laughing like a monkey
>The other 2 were Apperently two favelados blasting brazilianwfunck in the background, could even hear the shots or car engine in the hame
>all of use doing stupid shit while no enemies were around like trying to run each other with the bikes or stealing supplies that other people from the squad needed.
>as soon as we see an enemy squad everyone got super serious and turned on favela super soldier mode
>kill the entire enemy squad and immediately go back to monkey around the map.

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We play bit so much even burger King promoted it in their joints.

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>tfw your PC is worth as much as a year's salary in your country

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55 > Yas Forums

i dunno man, im a brazilian and these are my favs

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yeah, they play free fire unironically, idk why, but its mostly 16> years old
in so little time, free fire dominated the country because basically any cheap smartphone can run it

>huge population
>most are young
>electronics became affordable due to credit in the last decades

I actually hate video games, I just don't want to be outside in this country.

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Based Brasil Bro

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