DKC3 is one of the greatest game of all time

This only reason it gets so much hate is for allegedly not living up to the standards set by its predecessor, which is arguably the most perfect game ever made

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2 > 1 > 3

3=2 > 1


that's not 2 > 3 > 1 though

I really liked it when I was a kid, but DKC2 is definitely better. 3's a bit too bogged down by gimmicks and levels with that fucking elephant.

No, actually, most of the hate comes from being forced to play as a big gorilla baby.
I 100% guarantee that if the game was Donkey and Dixie instead of oc donut steel Kiddy itd be just as beloved as the first two.

Ellie wasn't the worst, could be a bit of a pain but much better than the poison pond gimmick which reversed controls, it was just tedious, and not at all engaging.

LIghtning level, treetop buzzsaw, and the race were the best 3 gimmick levels there

>world map filled with secrets
>bonus for getting all the coins is a fucking helecopter that unlocks more of the map
>secret world is hidden and hinted at by NPCs
>most varied levels in the series
>best boss fights in the series

Yea. It's based. Anyone who thinks it is worse than 2 is a retard.

DKC1 is polished but kinda boring, DKC2 is an improvement but still merely good. DKC3 is not a good game if it can't even live up to the first two.

I don't think I ever played past the second world. The first 2 held my attention effortlessly but something about this one is so dull


>unnecessary bloat and padding
>actual level design is inferior
>not an once of the atmosphere
>worse OST

It's set in Canada.

>dude there's a secret SIMON SAYS minigame, SO HECKIN EPIC


>actual level design is inferior
Hope you're trolling. The level design is on average better. All of the water levels in DKC2 are just mazes of boxes. DKC3 has some of the best water levels in the genre mixing swimming and above ground platforming perfectly

How was Dong Cunt 2 so fucking good? Rares output was generally trash overall previously and I didnt like their N64 collectathons Perfect Dark and Blast Corps were good but Dong is on another level.

Yea. Which unlock the secret ending. What's you're point?

Right from the start it's a bunch of long straight dock levels

Was it ever revealed the true identity of Swanky Kong?

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Silvio Santos

I really fucking wanted to get more levels with the helicopter and you only get crystal minigames. Pretty lame

It's worse than 2 but better than 1

The game is fine, but Kiddy is a fucking stupid and pointless character. All they had to do is have Donkey and Dixie pair up to save Diddy and most people would have ranked it higher than DKC1.

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3 has better level design and gameplay, it only falls short compared to 2 in music and having Kiddy Kong's unlikeable design.

As opposed to 2's start being long straight ship levels?

Am I the only that thinks 1 is the best?

I wonder how hard it would be to make a romhack of that.

2 and 3 are equal to me. They're both fun but rely strongly on gimmicks like the animal and bramble levels. Does anyone even like bramble or forced squawk levels?


i remember hating it as a kid because diddy got replaced with some dumbass baby character

I like 1 a lot more than 2

only the first and third levels

Tried to play the first dk country after finishing tropical freeze and jesus christ i can't get used to it

The bramble and Squawks levels are 10/10.