Why was this controversial?

Why was this controversial?

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Real women just can't compete, so they destroy or lower the standards.

video game women can't have sex appeal
male gaze
only real women can have sex appeal

I think the legs need to be a little longer and Thicker here

forced drama to boost sales

Because it made fat people feel fat.

because tracer has the worst ass in the game

literally no ass

It wasn't, it was literally one person. What was controversial was the fact that blizzard bent to knee to this one person then later lied saying it was going to be changed for a different reason anyway

Real "wo-men" got scared of a pixel women

ass not big enough

booty too small

>they changed this pose because she shows too much ass
>meanwhile in the "sequel" the new character model looks like this

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Jealousy from women who have dedicated their loves to ruin everyones fun.
Also tracers ass looks horrible in this pose. It absolutely blew my mind when I found out THIS was the big bad evil pose they took out.

Because America is a stupid soccer mom country and overwatch tries so hard to be Pixar.

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Well their writing and dialogue are just as bad

are decisions like this literally only done to bait articles about how they made tracer's ass fatter?

Gay ass

such a weird design/animation.design makes it look like a giant pair of orange legs with a little torso hat on top. animation makes it even weirder because the torso seems to move completely independantly of the legs and the arms are just pointing straight forward, it looks fucking stupid

the game was in need of shilling

Nailed it.

it creates a perpetual cycle of buzz for your game
outrage --> praise for bending the knee --> outrage from your players --> praise for bending the knee back the other way ---> outrage from original outraged party

>they change it for a better one
Blizzard showing that can be based sometimes

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It wasn't.


I've never understood how sexy women in movies and tv is okay. But video games is demeaning and bad.

It was unironically a father who thought his daughter would turn into a whore because of a video game pose. Don't worry, watching Nicki Minaj and Cardio B videos is completely healthy and empowering though.

>only real women can have sex appeal
And even that is frowned upon at times

because it was a copy-paste of a widowmaker pose and Blizz needs to be called out on their laziness and make unique sexy poses

pancake ass and i ain't even bout that

That ass is nerfed hard tho

Controversy is just another form of advertisement for media now.

Why was this ass so controversial?

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>her ass got bigger

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It's probably to keep the hitbox somewhat consistent.

The compromise has clipping issues and it still hasn't been fixed.

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How come all the characters in Overwatch have zero ass and tits when their number 1 marketing was the waifus?

Being fit and athletic is attractive.

>caring about model clipping

Athletic girls have big asses user...

I don't think they ever nerfed Tracer's ass. They definitely nerfed Widowmaker's ass from whatever alpha they used to have with that scope glitch

You're kidding me ? Widowmaker's ass is responsible for half the sales.

thet shit looks like she vacum sealed her pants into her asscrack

>Cry about females being too attractive
>Others cosplay as attractive characters (regardless if they have a similar body)

The duality of the fairer sex

I don't get all the hate about it. I hate Blizzard and Overwatch in particular, but that move was pretty based.

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probably a kotaku or polygon article

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This looks really off.

The pose they replaced it with was even sexier, which is pretty funny.

Attached: Tracer laugh.gif (424x499, 1.88M)

>delete pose for being too sexually provocative
>also commission dozens of SFM artists to create porn of your characters before your game even launches
Blizzard was just working all the angles so that they could have as big of an internet presence as possible. Playing both sides to maximize profits

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because short hair makes every female unattractive