>pic related this is the reason why the guy leaked the codes
the actual state of valve holy shit
Pic related this is the reason why the guy leaked the codes
you should thank them
Why can't burger trannies at least put some effort into looking female
Why is it always trannoid? Seriously where does correlation between being tranny and drive to cause as much bullshit on the internet as possible comes from?
I like how Jackathan went full retard immediately after turning 18. This is what Valve does to an underdeveloped brain.
whats the tl;dr on the whole situation?
It’s mental illness. Completely driven by hrt medication that drives them to insanity
If they had ever put any effort into anything they would be happy confident men.
You don't notice the ones who do because they're actually putting effort in.
I would also like to know, I havent been paying attention so I didnt even know there were leaks, but now this is bringing my attention to them
>leaked the code
what? I'm out of the look
I'd fuck bailey jay 10 out of 10 times unless you give me a female that is objectively hotter than she is.
However, in this case that looks like a typical gamer guy tranny
Some pathetic attempt to cope with an inability to truly control anything. They'll scrounge up whatever form of illusory power or influence they can get their hands on and abuse it. Best way to show anyone with control issues how little control they actually have over their lives is to demonstrate them how easy it is for everything to suddenly end for them.
Isn’t that supposed to be the end goal?
Instead of screaming I’m a freak show with my half-assed efforts?
>Tranny ruins everything
This is amazing, as if everyone didnt already need a reason to hate trannies.
Irl you can instantly tell if someone is a tranny.
A heavily edited picture with proper angle and lightning does not count.
Is this a Yas Forums thread now?
the WHO has stated COUNTLESS times that gender dysphoria is NOT a mental illness. however, video game addiction is, so you should probably get that checked out, kid.
>Wearing a mask because you know you are ugly
Not really
A different team member that was bullying the trans one got told to stop so he proceeded to have a mental breakdown
They think "being female" is an easy way to be attractive.
They think attractiveness is default for females and believe that transitioning automatically makes them look good.
They are some of the most disillusioned, insane people on the planet right now.
no this is a /dilate/ thread
>the actual state of valve holy shit
What this has to do with valve lol
who gives a shit what the WHO thinks? A useless, incompetent organization.
It most certainly IS a mental illness. It's not normal, it's unnatural.
Kek. This
See, the thing is, a real woman can put 0 effort into her appearance and still be very clearly identifiable as female.
Moddding-trannies, not even once
Why can't trannies take banter?
we spics banter between our sub-groups like crazy, I think someone once made a joke about Cubans drowning and the entire class which was like 50% cuban laughed it off, just to get shut down by the white professor because he got offended.
Gays and lesbians banter about their sexuality more than any fucking one, sometimes a bit annoying to be honest, but way more tolerable than trannies getting mad about some fucking jokes.
And what's even worse are people from outside these groups getting triggered by a joke that they are not the butt of.
Opinion discarded
Give me the FUCKING rundown lebowski
This isn't a valve employee though right?
No amount of effort is gonna hide man-shoulders/man-jaw.
That's why a lot of them use deceptional angles and wear masks like in OP's pic
Also what code lol?
Wasn't that to cockblock them from getting free surgeries?
Its, its in one of those threads let me take another look
Y'all just hate transgirls because your a bunch of incels. I bet you wish a transgirl would give you the time of day.
No, it's just a trannymod on vnn discord
that's not true.
I fucked many girls I had no idea were transgender, and I fucked a lot of real girls where I really wondered if they were.
>trusting WHO
How does it feel to be dumber than a nigger?
It’s quite the monumental feat too
Well if WHO said it, then it must be true!
>reporting on the """results""" of the fucking chinese is the same as reaching those conclusions yourself
nigga what the fuck are you doing
Mentally ill often starve for attention.
Meanwhile a straight guy with a girlfriend is a much better trap than this atrocidad.
the who also said the wuflu wasnt airborne
Dev teams across the globe are being polluted by trannies, gaming is particularly bad. Trannies bullied a red-pilled dev because he said something "anti-tranny".
This led to the trannies getting the dev fired / removed from the project.
In retaliation the dev leaked source code which in turn exposed exploits in TF2 / CSGO. Exploits are huge, lets exploiters do anything they want, even to local computers of users connected to the servers.
Trannies are gay and deserved it, shit-storm ensues.
I've been following "Jaycie" for years now He was completely normal b4 he turned into a trannoid. I'm pretty deep in the source community and here what I think happened. I'm 85% sure that "mystery transphobic guy" didn't leak it. Jack did. He's been doing Hormones and his brain is fucked. I think Jack leaked the code to further this tranny narrative
Homosexuality, gender dysphoria etc is all derived from trauma in childhood or someone just being a pathological sociopath. They are incapable of comprehending empathy and have no creativity-- just mindless conformity.
When will the 40% become 100%?
Mental illness. They don't need a reason, they are mental.
>I fucked many girls I had no idea were transgender,
Let me guess they had dicks and you did anal and somehow didn't notice their cocks?
>dude btfos valveshitters and tranny because tranny didn't like him and was on about how he's a poopoo meany head to twansppl UwU
>valve games are shit anyways so nothings at a lost