Persona 4 is the best Persona game and anyone that says otherwise is wrong

Persona 4 is the best Persona game and anyone that says otherwise is wrong.
>Best cast
>Best music
>Best gameplay (can actually control your party unlike 3 and isn't pathetically easy like 5 is)
>Most interesting villain by far and Akechi is just a shitty copy of him
>Comfy setting that isn't full of nothing like P3
>Best girls of any Persona game
>Best protagonist design
>Great murder mystery story
>Best Velevet room attendant
>Best imouto
>Great message about accepting who you are instead of trying to become something you're not
P3 is for rose tinted boomers and P5 is for babies who have almost zero attention span and need something flashing on the screen every second to be entertained. Atlus peaked with Persona 4 and it's re-release Persona 4 Golden and has been on a downward trend ever since with P5 and it's shitty spin off games.

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You faggots are the most insecure of the bunch in the nusona fanbases. Keep patting yourself in the back.

P4 is the blacksheep of nusona, there are good reasons why no one talks about it anymore, 3 still generates plenty of discussion in most jrpg threads and P5 shitposting everyday. You have no culture and memes, you are the NIGGERS of nusona fanbase

5 by a large fucking margin
5 with Maruki
Tie 3 or 5
Alright you have this one
>murder mystery
5 did it better
>room attendant
Maiko rehash
Toss up between 3 and 5
>also dungeons
5 by a landslide

In a technical standpoint 5 was the better overall game. 3 had the story, atmosphere/theme delivery and cast.

It's one of weakest megaten, being a literal asset flip of P3. There's a noticeable dip in quality from 3 to 4 and 5 fucking blew it out of the water by a extremely large margin. When you start to branch out and play other SMT games you start to see 4 as a mere starting point. When people start to look back on 4 they think of what it could have been instead of what it is. Nothing in 4 particularly stands out except for muh group dynamic.

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No way fag

>thinks P3 (the game where literally no plot progression happens for months at a time) is somehow better than the more refined P4.
Fuck off P3tranny, your game is shit and is only upheld by autists who played it first and think it’s better than the rest because of MUH ATMOSPHERE, MUH STORY ABOUT DEATH, and MUH DEEPNESS. Fuck off.

Atta boy, 4fags they never learn.

why to be based just enjoy every single one of them

The irony

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How many personafags would buy a
Persona 5 Royale: The Definite Edition PS5.


Persona 4 is Dark Souls 2 of modern persona

Poobrain, poothread, fuck you poo.

Let's not do this today P4nigger.


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>P5 over P3
Must've been the massive influx of P5onlies.

As a game 5 is better.

I emulated both 4 and 3 in my PC. 4 barely upgraded from 3 and they use the same garbage dungeons.

Persona 5 is what 4 should've been

Anyone who posts gigachad pics is always fat as fuck irl

You guys are so insecure lmao.

> personafag
> posts gigachad
well duh

>Portal that high
We did it reddit!

Pretty conformist

Fucking baseddd

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P3P is the greatest.

Correct. It is the game that obsoleted Shin Megami Tensei. However it is dethroned by its own spin off ironically enough.

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Very based frog



4 objectively is the worst out of the three not by being bad, but because whatever it had better than 3, 5 did better as well.

absolutely based

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In all honesty - Why does this board hate P4 so much? I still like it way better than P5 and a bit more than 3 as well.

>room attendant

you are my nigga of the highest order

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A majority of this board has only played P5.

Because there's nothing about the game that isn't done better in either 3 or 5, and most things are done better in both.

Legit my favorite fighting game

Now this user hasn't played Persona 4.

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I just finished P3FES last week and I really don't see the hype in it. I was gonna play P4G first but I don't have a vita and the emulator isn't done yet. But P3FES was so boring, I hated going through all the stupid floors of Tartarus and the sub bosses are so gimmicky they aren't even fun to fight. Like fighting against a stupid boss that only casts fear spells or whatever then casts a OHKO spell after that is just dumb. Also I felt like there was nothing to do for a majority of the game. I would finish a tartarus block pretty fast and then have like 20 days before the full moon. It got to the point where I was just going to bed early just so I can keep moving forward since I had nothing to do. Idk it was fun but I probably won't replay it. I replayed 5 three times back to back because of how addicting it was.

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I started with 5 2 years ago, then finished 4 last semestral break. Finished 3 FES on my PC this lock down.

Nothing in Persona 4 really stands out tbqh. 5>=3>4. All good games tho

...but I did. It was a big disappoint.

Grind stats and social links? Most of its story is crammed every end of the month

My disappointment with P5 was so bad, I have boycotted the side games and Royale.
And this is from a fag who bought every Persona game even the shitty Q ones since day 1. Yes I have even both Persona 1 PSP and Persona 2 PSP.

honestly is there a point to guns beyond just hitting weakspots of fodder?
Why the fuck did they even add them then?

I know I finished a good amount of the social links, and I think my final level was 76. I made sure to grind a bit so I wasn't underleveled for each boss. But after the devil arcana I didn't know who else to do except the fat kid.

did you do tower?
admittedly P3 was their first attempt at doing this so they had massive issues with pacing, like an entire month of FUCKING NOTHING, and nighttime had zero shit worth doing by the halfway point