I think the virus is man made

I think the virus is man made

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Other urls found in this thread:


Do you have a single fact to back that up?


numba one
thass terror

It is man made, but not the way that you think.

Hold on, are you programmed to invent riddles?

>45,000+ dead in America alone
What a shame

Do you ever ask what its for? The surveillance, the police, the shoot-on-laws? Is that freedom?

Attached: DukeDenton.jpg (788x1072, 131.1K)

i think the government made the virus on purpose to solve the boomer overpopulation

why contain it?

Do you have a single lip smack to back that up?




What a shame

I'll send (YOU) back to the people, in a body bag

We're 100% BLACK

Attached: darkness-were-100-black-3842179.png (500x358, 56.37K)

Me too

Will he ever return?

No,not yet.

what a rotten way to die

Chew you havisfaction a singlelicious satisfact to snack that up?

>thinks those deaths are from the virus and thinks they arent inflating the death numbers

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>liburls are inflating death toll to make trump look bad
Die retard.

That's awfully presumptious. Seems like a bid to garner more federal aid bucks.

JCs attitude always felt weird for a super secret government black ops agent until I realized hes like 23 years old in DX1, basically a kid given superpowers and a license to kill and jerked off by everyone about how kickass he is until he starts to believe it


Hang yourself retard

JC is based as fuck, he is probably the most memorable protagonist of any game, ever. He is just such a Chad autist who doesn’t give a shit about anything, although it’s probably mostly unintended.

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Oh Yeah Yeah

You first.

No cause they will say i died of covid if I did

please stay inside and keep wacking off coomer haha


Was JC Virgin ?


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His entire life pretty much was dedicated to shaping him into a killing machine and he didnt appear to hold any resentment over it (so no rebellious running away as a teen or anything, just pure brainwashed dedication) so yeah hed probably never been laid or taken the time to build any social life.

>tfw playing Deus Ex for the first time right now
Where has this game been all my life?

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