How fucked is Tyler on a scale from 0 to 10? Do you guys think Valve is gonna sue?

How fucked is Tyler on a scale from 0 to 10? Do you guys think Valve is gonna sue?

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>a valve drone killed the biggest valve game
you cant make this shit up

Apparently Valve's legal team has already contacted him and are working with him to get the leaker

Look what happened to the german that leaked hl2. Now imagine that but twice as big of a leak

This guy ain't walking free for a good while

Stop user, I can only get so erect

0, the leaker will get all the shit

is there any proof he leaked it?
i thought somebody else did.
also a screenshot that can be easily edited isnt proof

I hope he gets along with Tyrone in prison.

>give a maniac a gun and he starts killing people
discordfags are in denial

7. Despite Yas Forums's wishful thinking he wasn't the one who exposed the leak to this degree and Valve isn't the type to punish does not directly responsible.

That said, he will no longer get special treatment from them and his reputation in not just the TF2 community but all vidya communities is fucked beyond repair.

>plebs think he's innocent
Bye bye volvo drone

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0, he didn't leak anything

he obviously had the source code, so yeah, he’s completely fucked

gaben will rape his boipuccy for sure

I sent screenshots of the portal source code to my steam friends. My account has 400 games and is 13 years old. Let's see if I get suspended.

It's a 69 for sure. Curious if anything significant will be found from CS:GO.

>Now imagine that but twice as big of a leak
Are you actually retarted? This isn't nearly as big as that.

Yes, he did. He leaked it to his beta orbiters, and then one of the trannies leaked it out to the world.

Despite not the one to leak it, he did have the files which are technically copyright material and Valve is EXTREMELY strict with their copyright stuff so this leak basically proves Tyler had them all along

In other words, he is 100% fucked

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literally who

[7:29:19 PM] Cephalon Cephalon: we're in serious legal trouble about CSGO Lotto and may be forced to kill the API
[7:29:26 PM] Cephalon Cephalon: over *
[7:29:32 PM] Tyler McVicker: I know
[7:29:46 PM] Tyler McVicker: I didn't think it would end up like that
[7:30:19 PM] Cephalon Cephalon: I'm not a fan of were we're going in terms of microtransactions and random loot
[7:30:38 PM] Tyler McVicker: Well it's been around for 7-ish years now
[7:30:46 PM] Tyler McVicker: Paid Sprays
[7:31:10 PM] Cephalon Cephalon: yeah...
[7:31:20 PM] Tyler McVicker: Explain this to me, why was this seen as a good idea
[7:32:13 PM] Cephalon Cephalon: It wasn't by anyone except than the CSGO team, which is the worst group to work with
[7:32:19 PM] Cephalon Cephalon: except the*
[7:32:20 PM] Tyler McVicker: Is it really?
[7:32:30 PM] Cephalon Cephalon: they do not care at all
[7:32:34 PM] Cephalon Cephalon: some do, I assume

Aren't Americans & gun laws like this in a nutshell though?

Can someone give me a rundown on what actually happened? I had exams to take today.

He's probably not gonna get sued or anything but his prospects of getting any insider information from now on is fucked.

The trannies who are actually implicated by having it are saying he never touched it.

Can someone give me a quick rundown or basic gestalt?

>He leaked it to his beta orbiters
how do you know this? wheres your proof?

Apparently they had a Source engine license.

>tyler leaked source code to his tranny discord
>someone on his discord got banned and was asshurt
>asshurt tranny leaks the source code to spite tyler

>leak 0's and 1's
>Go to prison

Does America really?

This is THE valve drone

TF2 and CS:GO's source code up until the Jungle Inferno and Operation Hydra updates was leaked by a former member of Lever Softworks, Tyler's private modding community server.

A quick rundown of events was that in this server, one person found the Source code floating around the Internet, but it was largely unknown to everyone. After this, said person got into a fight with one of the transgender modders on the server (yes, I shit you not, this is real) and was kicked for transphobic rhetoric, and out of spite he made this information public to the entire world.

Tyler is also currently doing massive damage control and calling everyone toxic now that Valve is probably ready to kick his door down and arrest him for fucking up two of their three biggest games; not only making Valve lose revenue from in-game sales, but losing all free advertising from people who played these games on YouTube.

>Just chill bro, enjoy some TF2 & CS:GO. Everything is fine.

stop talking bullshit valve drone, the guy never saw a prison

not only valve will sue him but fbi will rape his butt like axel in 2004

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>steal a collection of atoms
>go to prison
>Does America really?

i wish but no

Can I get a quick rundown?


this man is legit a power bottom submissive guy. I can tell by his face. Trust me, I have a 100% precision gaydar

Tyler had also made several attempts to warn valve in 2018 about the leak but they blew him off.

CSGO has been updated and patched so many times since then that's it's probably safe

TF2 probably not so much

Thanks, user. Gotta love Valve drama.

>the dood that makes a living out of valve leaks refused to get access to the source code out of principle
yeah right

>steal paper
>go to prison

No. But the story so far is he had access to the source code and the guy who leaked it was formerly associated with him.

I dont think valve will press charges against him, he looks like a kid with some mental retardation
HOWEVER I'm pretty sure his whole "carrier" will go down, and his sources dry up faster than any girl who see him in real life, so free patreon money is gone and he have to actaully work for once

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>How fucked is Tyler
Elbow deep. CSGO and TF2 made them so much free money from the cosmetics and the steam market. And both those games are probably going to have to be put down.

his gf is pretty hot though

Reminder that he had a girlfriend, and he was about to have sex with her, then HDTF came out and basically pussyblocked her to play it.