Has any franchise ever had a steeper decline in quality than Fate?

Has any franchise ever had a steeper decline in quality than Fate?

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Final Fantasy


Fire Fucking Emblem



All of them.

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better question is what genre has the steepest decline?
and why is it JRPGs?

why would you rape a girl after killing her and not before? i can't imagine it being too fun if she doesn't react.

Eh 3 Houses was an improvement over Fates.

This. After VI and VII the game became horrendous. It happened to Resident Evil after RE4 and Silent Hill also after the fourth installment. It has more to do with Square, Capcom and Konami though.

Prisma was literally character assassination. Fatefags have no standards.

Fate has the greatest increase in cunny over time, and as we all know cunny is directly proportional to quality, thus disproving your point OP

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JRPGs were on flawed foundations anyway. They mashed Ultima and Wizardry together and never understood why they were two separate styles to begin with.

Final Fantasy

>Final Fantasy after XII
>Persona after innocent sin
>Fire Emblem after Radiant Dawn
>Warcraft franchise after WCIII FT
>Resident Evil after 4
I could go on all day

>porn with crap art
>ecchi with great art

I call it improvement

The decline happened before 12. Look into its development and you'll see just how deeply set the rot was by then.

I want to FUCK Kuro

i'm not even a lolicon but i liked prisma

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>shittier maps
>one dimensional characters
>mute boring uncustomizable mc
>shitty paralogues
>fucking voice acting
>predictable plot
Eh not really

Prisma Illya didn't ruin F/SN, F/GO did.

I fucking hate modern Japense art styles for RPGs. Totally gutless.

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I love lolis and understand where Prisma was coming from, but Fate just isn't that kind of franchise. Coming out of UBW and Zero, I was so dissapointed. What happened?

F/GO didn't ruin F/SN, F/SN did

This is now a cunny thread

This. After Sakaguchi left, it all went to shit. IX was the apex and after it there was a steep decline.


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>implying EO's art isn't great

Are you saying you dislike EO's style?

If we're talking pure anime that new tenchi series sucked fucking ass.

Most of those franchises were never good though like Persona. Horrible gameplay, disgusting levels and random battles, stupid dialogue and story; maybe cool ideas but with bad execution every single time.

FFXll is just mediocre.

>make a spin-off for lulz

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>fate/shitters still mad that a loli spinoff is the pinnacle of their franchise

I'm very much saying that I dislike it. As I said, it's totally gutless.

I love the thick lines, the colours and the art style in general.
I just wish shit like dancer wasnt in it. And there were more adult looking women like some of the men.

your opinion is objectively wrong

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Need for speed

I have a confession to make.
I liked FGO. I didn’t even play it, but the whole concept brings me peace

Railshooters - Don't exist
Dance/Rhythm - all kinect and just dance shit

I honestly like the plot and story of it, but accept its mainly just there to give an excuse for more waifus.

Eh, I'd say XIII is when it really happened. X at least had one of the better protagonists, XI I'm not sure we can count, XII changed the combat system but was a return to a beloved setting and a decent addition to Ivalice.

degenerates and pedophiles will pretend prisma was a good anime

XII and IC were still passable for their franchise but the massive drop in quality and shift of development focus began only after those games.

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You do know that FATE has always been a porn coomer franchise right?

Fate has remained consistently bad

Horrendous taste

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Imagine having an opinion that's this fucking bad.

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It unironically peaked with the original VN. It's been downhill ever since.

>says this while posting heaven's feel which came out AFTER Illya Prisma
>probably hasn't even seen Oath Under Snow
OP are you pretending to be retarded again?

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Sebran Kagura and it wasn't exactly high quality to begin with.

i've never read the original VN but i've played extella and i liked that

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>is never used in doujins
fucking why

I like how you don't counter that it looks totally weak and gutless, just that I apparently have bad taste for not liking that.

I've always been confused about Berserkers, especially thanks to Lancelot. Are they batshit insane when summoned due to being, you know, Berserker? Or are they normally sane when summoned and the Master needs to activate Mad Enhancement? So was Heracles coherent when first summoned or what?

TM has actually had a decrease, there hasn't been any loli porn since KT.

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I just liked how the Servants caught a break

They are pedos, ignore them

>liked a musou
Please kill yourself, it's for the good of mankind.

I really hate anime sameface. Even FF7R has the stupid sameface.

Can't Japs design something unique other than this boring ass otaku trash template

If you don't want to have sex with Kuro, you're a homosexual male.

Because that's all there is too it user. Your shit taste. You have no "argument" in the first place. You literally state your opinion, and your opinion is fucking shit.

They are literal pedophiles. it's like having a debate about beauty with fucking coprophiliacs.

It's an art style for little girls. They're pastel Bratz dolls.

>shitter maps
worse than CQ, better than Rev
>one dimensional characters
in Fates yeah, we still have such characters in Raphael or Bernadetta but overall its been an improvement
>mute boring uncustomizable mc
better than Corrin who only proved to be more of a retard the more he/she opened their mouth
>shitty paralogues
I'll give you that one
>fucking voice acting
if you think 3H voices were bad (barring Jeritza, Anna, and Mercedes), I don't know what to tell you, and the Jap dub is an option too
>predictable plot
can't agree there, though some unpredicable aspects like the final bosses of SS or VM were not integrated well into the story

I still don't understand what happened to this series.
It started as a shitty VN about a battle royale and then became some gacha shit about multiverse and interdimensional travel or something?

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Give me Illya

>weak and gutless
What does that even mean when you're talking about vidya artwork?

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Because it turned out to be popular and there's only so much you can do with "Highlander with Familiars."

The brain of someone who finds a person who can't reproduce sexy is just not functioning well, just like homosexuals, they just can't provide anything but cooming.

Holy shit this is an even WORSE opinion then before, how does someone manage to have THIS MUCH bad taste.

Berserkers are heroes that were already insane or had a fame of going insane in the battlefield, the madness enhancement, it requires a lot of magical energy to control a berserker, that's why Lancelot was slowly killing Kariya and Illya took an entire month to be able to control Heracles.
You can also choose to summon a berserker by changing the summoning chant which is how Lancelot and Heracles were summoned, that's how they add Madness enhancement to the servant.

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Because Heaven's Feel as a plot was written at the same time as Fate and UBW you fucking halfwit

Himukai peaked at EO3. EO4 is still good but it went significantlly down hill after 4.

Not if you're even a semi-decent writer. A battle royal between different supernatural entities, each with their own unique abilities is a gold mine on its own.
It didn't need any of the other bullshit.

Generic and devoid of distinguishible, not even memorable, features.

He got better at drawing armor though.

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