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Is this getting spammed so hard because one person involved is trans? I rather read about LTG than this shit.

Doesn't matter, his name's on the leak and this is just damage control.

It's more like usual discord faggotry

Yas Forums is obsessed. They're all open or closeted tranny-fetishists. What do you expect?


What leaked?

there are 14 threads right now mostly spamming misinformation, dont try to get real data here and better check out more reliable source but what its know so far dont play on any tf2 or cs server until valve clarify all this

No it's getting spammed because the vast majority of Yas Forums's pc gaming community use steam for nearly every single online game they play and the leak that happened can compromise their whole account since TF2 and CSGO are a part of everybody's library at this point.
This shit being caused by a tranny is just mere coincidence.

Source code for TF2 and CSGO circa 2018

Didn't the whole HL2 leak fiasco began with Valve telling the leaker that he's just fine and just wants the files? we all know how that ended up

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No, it's getting spammed because chinks want to kill TF2 and are trying to make you believe that a source code leak that already happened a long time ago is somehow going to get your account hacked.

I like how every time some bad shit happens in the game industry people are quick to pull out the Yas Forums card. Fuckheads gotta shift blame away from theirselves so what better scapegoat than one of the last few bastions of true online anonymity?

So what happened?

Congratulations to Tyler on that job offer from Valve!

So basically none of this stuff matters and it's just speculation? Did people forget about how easy this stuff was to hack back from the gmod .lua days?

>dont have TF2 or CS:GO installed
>Somehow this compromises my account


What a twist.

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>So basically none of this stuff matters and it's just speculation?
Pretty much, the usual daily routine on Yas Forums

Worse than fighting game larp threads.

The others are just memes but Darth Bottle and Bottlehead both have a very intriguing idea.

trannies, trannies happened

which is?

The water-bottle on head to make a fishbowl is actually kind of a smart idea. Air intake can only occur from the top; and the virus in-air is shown to sink with gravity as it's heavier than air. So your risk of infection, or droplets getting into the bottle, would be germs from above.

Darth Bottle seems to have made a fairly secure face mask for this particular outbreak as long as he doesn't move the face mask or the water bottles. Droplets can't enter the two makeshift respirators, and he can't touch his face past the plastic mask.

No, but Yas Forums will always pile on with trannyposting no matter what. So that's not surprising anyway.

The tranny didn't even do anything. Some guy made fun of the tranny which got the guy kicked out of the VNN circle, then released the code in retaliation, after that tries to kill his gf and himself but gets caught by cops.

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>The tranny didn't even do anything
typical redditspacer immediately changing the past.

What did the tranny do though?

The entire reason the guy got fired for "bigotry" was because he was asked if he would put his child on HRT on discord voice chat. He said no, and because the tranny was in the channel and could hear his answer got shitcanned for being a complete transphobic after the tranny fake cried about it.

>vindicating yourself buy saying "I dinndu nuffin"
Yeah, right.

>muh maxx is innocent
>please forget how he leaked they hunger source before
>and please please forget he's just as mentally ill using suicide threats to not get banned from the tf2c team

If thats true then this is just fucked.