Tactical rpgs

Here is your fft remake lads

Attached: Screenshot_20200422-195326_WOTV FFBE.jpg (2280x1080, 1.05M)

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it's that phone game, isn't it

>half of /ffg/ going in full damage control over people criticizing and making bantz against the game
For what purpose?

Looks like the newest crossover with FFT.

Attached: Screenshot_20200422-200334_WOTV FFBE.jpg (2280x1080, 1.06M)

shit, i put the graphics setting to low, that why the screenshot is blurry


This is sad

What the fuck am I looking at?

At an almost but not modern tactical RPG version of FFT.

Attached: Agriasmodel.jpg (2048x1431, 241.9K)

At least you're still getting something resembling the series you love

t. Front Mission fan

Wasn't this technically a "Front mission"?

Attached: eft tlalive.jpg (190x265, 9.58K)

They could probably release this on Game Boy Advance. Definitely DS.

Yes. It also doesn't resemble the series that people fell in love with.

looks like shit


Attached: Screenshot_20200422-204039_WOTV FFBE.jpg (2280x1080, 1.26M)

It's outsourced and a literal reskin of the outsourced company's previous mobile game.

It's from the same company that made FFBE. They wanted to make a tactical Sping off, that's how we got this

Its even worse with how units are upgraded, hell I was suprised why so many things give Ramza frags, then I realized, you don't automatically unlock a character when you reach X frags, unlike in alchemist, what a fucking shitshow

you know a big part of the original was the contrast of this rugged but cute looking chibi art clashing with the GOT shit going on in the story

this falls flat compared to it

Whats the deal with that place being 95% discussion of the mobile games?

It's published by S-E but outsourced to Gumi and a reskin of The Alchemists Code their previous game.

1st time being on /vg/??

Brave Exvius was scummy in a similar way

Fuck off Jewmi

How are you supposed to play this in a phone??? Or are they making 10 inches phones now?

>thread mostly for singleplayer game discussion
>games that get updates, no matter how shitty, get more discussion than games than don't
I really don't get it, what could possibly be the reason?

to be fair, all the high profile devs from the PSX/PS2 era in Japan make phone games now. That's where all the money is.

90% of that phone game team probably worked on FFT.

Attached: 1410721497332.jpg (600x434, 13.12K)

When should I bother to use Lord? What are must have skills from other classes?

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I mostly play TBS /xcom like games, but I love SRPGs as well, but I'm kind of a pleb when it comes to them.
What are some good (preferably both older and modern) ones? My favourites being Front Mission 1 and 3, FFT (and both FFTA) and Bahamut Lagoon.

yes i know. Gumi is also behind final fantasy brave exvius (ffbe) with War of the visions being a spinoff of FFBE.They made some improvement from AC to this here and there.
Kinda crazy we manage to get this seeing how they didn't even try with the previous one youtube.com/watch?v=P-tVQ5EHjO0

Attached: unnamed.png (512x512, 240.35K)

At least give me Timeskip Ramza and not Twink Ramza

Why is the tactic genre so dead outside Fire emblem? the lack of waifu? too hard to follow?

Attached: MFff.jpg (238x250, 8.22K)

>Still not cracked.

Most of these games have pretty slow gameplay, especially compared to FE and jarpig fans generally dont like that

Ahahaha NO. These Naruto rejects do NOT belong in Final Fantasy Tactics. Gtfo with your pink hair anime bullshit.

Attached: 20200422_115416.jpg (533x947, 253.08K)

I had no idea about this but why the fuck would they make some generic MGS shit instead of an actual SRPG? Do the retards behind this think people play Front Mission for the sofisticated plots?

I was interested in this game, but I heard you can't roll certain banners unless you use paid currency
And that characters are pretty ass until you unlock shards or something for them; which is extremely tedious to do for the higher rarity characters
I wanted Thancred dammit

Why are you asking this question on a board that absolutely despises anything turn-based?

Are you suprised? Half the thread is actuall hired or ironic gumi shills ever since Exvius came out, the biggest meltdown was during the free injector era, especially how it proved how incompetent they are. Its a shame that guy who hacked them decided not to do anything when he could have killed them right then and there
IS scummy, this game is putting the worst parts of BE and tagatame together

I hope you are using One Vision mod

too slow

Moving over to this thread since it's the most on-topic.
True, but Path of Radiance also has bonus EXP that completely breaks the game in two. Three Houses is a really refreshing take on Fire Emblem, honestly. Tactically, the game is on the easier side, but that's because it gives you so many options to strategize with. Fire Emblem always had a problem with snowballing earlygame units, and being able to freely build your characters through the monastery amplifies it severely. At the same time, though, it feels like a reward now since you purposefully have to find that optimal build and send them down that path yourself. Also, the EXP stagnation on Maddening difficulty is fucking legit; I hope it returns in future games since it heavily encourages EXP distribution.

Attached: Maddening-Classic Cleared.jpg (1280x1440, 820.25K)


Attached: War.of.the.Visions .Final.Fantasy.Brave.Exvius.full.2591369.jpg (960x888, 476.47K)

Don't respond, retard.

FFTA3 with more viera and gria when

Banner of the maid

Attached: banner-of-the-maid.jpg (1920x1080, 790.65K)

"Tactical" rpgs have decent customization but very slow and usually extremely easy gameplay, even when you do "hard" mode which gives enemies double hp or something equally as lame.