Soooooo what games have you been playing?

Soooooo what games have you been playing?

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RoR2, Mordhau, and i just started a playthrough of Grim Dawn
for some ungodly reason Grim Dawn requires multiplayer to have the same exact dlc set up so i lost 3 classes right off the bat to play with a pal

the usual


tF 2

Downloaded some games, played none of them, how about you OP ?

Could you please not be a lazy shit and spell out your games? Idk what the fuck those abbreviations mean!

Persona 5R, factorio, mhw, but I keep going back and forth cause of boredom

I beat FF7R and the original FF7 and play Animal Crossing sporadically between posting in all the FF7R threads. I really need to get back to Persona 5 Royal

use your intelligence then you'll find the truth you're looking for pal

as i said, the usual.

now back off and let me chill.



Deus ex: human revolution. Pt surprised it still holds up today

smite, roblox, and some mmo private servers
i've been stuck on a shitty laptop for a good while so I can't really play anything that's moderately intensive

just finished playing the half life, portal and left 4 dead games
playing the 3d grand theft autos now

Just finished Uncharted: Golden Abyss. Got it free with my Vita a long time ago and wanted something that I could finish in a short amount of time. Despite the touchscreen gimmicks it was still a decent time.

Not sure what I'll play next. Might start a JRPG.

Deep Rock Galactic cuz its fun as fuck
Path of Exile
WoW cuz fuck it
DQ 11
Trying to learn Stellaris but i think my brain is too smooth

Playing Shadow Warrior 2013. It's kind of annoying so far, just lots and lots of melee enemies, which are no fun to fight. Does it get better?

Hat in time, replayed bioshock and doom 64. Installed STALKER and Fallout NV, but I havent play a lot

New Fagass
Done NCR and Legion, going independent this time

tf2 but i cant even play that!! dayum source code was LEAKED!! LEAKED I SAY!!

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Nioh 2, Starcraft 2

Beat Shadow of the Colossus, Doom, Doom II, Chex Quest, Heretic, and Sengoku 3 in the past few weeks. Played some Transformers Devastation and Dragonball FighterZ a bit on the side. Gonna play some beat-em-ups, Zone of the Enders 2, etc. soon.

Thinking of buying MGS Ground Zeroes and Doom 2016 in the PSN sale.

TF2. Except not anymore.

In order of frequency:

Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Graveyard Keeper
Ion Fury
Shadow Warrior 2
Doom Eternal
Postal 2

I work as a grocery manager, so I haven't been playing much.
But when I am? tf2

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If youre not having fun chopping bitches up with the sword by now, its just time to go back to LoL or Overwatch or whatever you 40 IQ people play

Keep on keeping on, user. I was working at a grocery store until a couple weeks ago because I was leaving anyway. I hope the people in the store are more along the "thanks for being here" type than assholes.

>Graveyard Keeper
have they patched it to the point where doing something doesn't takes all day?
I love the concept but I hate everything takes so long and I have to press right for like an hour to get to town

Nope, don't think so.

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Just beat FFIX for the first time. I really enjoyed it.
Love the characters, story, music, everything. Battle's kinda slow, though.
Thinking about doing a second run because I know there's a lot of shit I missed along the way.
Kinda wanna see how badly I can break it.
I was able to figure out some things on my own like powering up Frog Drop and that LVDeath one-shots the Grand Dragons, but there's still more I wanna do with it.
Also Quina is best girl?

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For the most part yeah. Nobodys too riled anynore.
The biggest problems I have now are customers making phonecalls saying instacart shoppers missed some things on their order and act like theres a bag sitting in the bsck with their names on it (spoiler, there isnt, your deliverer is just a troglodyte). Most get huffy when I tell them that's an instacart problem and I can't help. Not my fault every mouthbreather with a GED got hired to do this while their main gig's closed. I too would try and solve the problem directly instead of calling the 800 number for instacart waiting 2 hours (because of course hundreds of Americans have the same problem when half the world pays someone else to deliver groceries) but you're barking up the wrong tree here.
We got a couple of thank you cards and people are donating face masks though, so there are some good spirits out here. Hope your transition to a new job didnt get too botched cause of this.

Fallout 76, Gears of War 5, and Soulcalibur 6

Nah, I'm with him.
Literally the only abbreviation I recognize is Final Fantasy 7.

I worked behind the desk at my store and took those same calls, as well as calls asking if we deliver that I had to direct to Instacart. I memorized Instacart's number within a week, can't really do anything for them.

I quit for the sake of finishing my MBA without distraction, so don't worry. I'm taking at least half the Summer off once I graduate. Quarantine or not, a dent will be made in the backlog. I even got paid for all my unused vacation days recently, almost $300 for doing nothing.

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