Is it good?

Is it good?

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Eh, could be better

It's decent.

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these are all correct somehow. It's realistically an average JRPG but it's pretty fun if you're already into Digimon. Could use a dialogue skip option

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i just started it yesterday, feels more like a persona game than a pokemon one

It's pretty good.

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It's an SMT game with some pokemon aspects (natures and abilities, hackers are "digimon trainers") and a digimon skin.
It even has Law/Neutral/Chaos characters.

who told you it was like a pokemon game

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>tfw Redigitize will never get fully translated on the 3DS
I still like the gritty 90s feel of the original Digimon World, and while CS was alright, it didn't focus much on exploration rather mostly on the story which is fairly convoluted and has too much filler.

I wish cyber sleuth/hacker's memory let you explore the digital world.

Is it not translated? I feel like I've beat that game a couple years ago.

No. The dungeons are linear and PS1 tier. The rest of the game is a shit VN.

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It plays almost similarly to Digimon Dawn/Dusk and the games have sort of been trying to find their own fit since the beginning. There's monster sims like DW1, dungeon cralwers like DW2, full blown rpg like DW3, DS, Dawn,Dusk, and pseudo persona games like CS.

It's translated for the PSP (fan patch) not the 3ds which has more content.

I might buy a cheap vita to play next order too at some point

How grindy is it?

If you're managing your Farms correctly you shouldn't have to grind at all

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Not very, especially if you get yourself a platinum shitmon and put tactician USBs on it. You'll have 12+ megas in an hour at most.

It's alright. Decent B-tier game.

Not in the slightest, and I say this as a digimon fan.

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It only becomes an issue if you're trying to get certain Digimon that need obscenely high ABI, if you're not bothered then it's fine.

Barely, although you should consider getting Platinumsukamon (or three) and a bunch of perpetual-storage-mon set to the brainy nature on a farm at some point just to make sure you're never in trouble. Don't rush him, just play with whatever you get. You'll know when is it that you have a surplus and you can evolve an ultimate specifically made for EXP grinding.

It and its sequel are really fun with a lot of digimon to collect.

>Not grindy
>Have to grind for ABI

You say that like it's even difficult to get ABI.
Half the food you get gives you ABI.
Digivolving up and down gives tons of ABI and it's encouraged to do so in order to amass a lot of skills from different lines of evolution.

If you don't care about getting skills or trying out new digimon then you don't care about ABI either in which case it's not a grind for you.

Is a mediocre RPG that digifags overhype because they are desperate, buy it on sale if you seriously have nothing better to do. Or pirate it.

>Digimon survive is delayed

Bought both on ps4 on the last sale.
Only finish the first.
It's fun but text is a slog and you can't skip them.

Kill yourself namefag tranny.

Hacker's Memory is better.

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For a "you already know the ending what could they possibly do with this" story, yeah, it is.


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The TBD change was Famitsu's mistake, they are still aiming for a 2020 release.


Did you even try looking it up

It's really good

I liked it but I'm a big digimon fan.