Why can't bad people be bad in a story? Whats wrong with that?

Why can't bad people be bad in a story? Whats wrong with that?

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Has there ever been a game where a rapist saves the world?

We will always have Rapelay at least

I saw this comming a mile away and pirated the game on day 1 just so I have a copy that nobody can take away. Fuck Gaben.

What are the best games if you want to be a genuine villain?

Saints Row 2 is fucking kino for this

The game looked like it was made out of those shitty 3D stills and few dialogue boxes. The devs probably got more recognition out of the removal than the game would've ever given him.

But feminists told me all about Rape Culture.
How can it be that rape games are banned, but murder games aren't?


>Make a game called Rape Day
>Know damn well retards will cry about it
>Cave to them anyway

For what purpose?

>mass murder is ok
>rape is too far
God females are cancer.

Any open world sandbox game should let you be a cunt. The only time I ever felt any remorse was in Red Dead 2. Found some guy's goat farm and thought it was abandoned so killed all the goats and started skinning them. When the guy came out he burst out into tears that I can still remember to this day. Had to shoot him and ride off.

>Had to shoot him

Yas Forums will post stuff like this but when it's Spec Ops its NOT THE HECKIN WHITE PHOSPHORINO

Is it any good

rape is romantic

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do you nerds not remember RAPE-LAY? it was awesome by the way play it

If women didnt enjoy rape, they wouldnt get wet from it.

>rape culture is real
>culture doesn't even allow shitty rape sims
which is it

more than 3000 signatures? my god this is HUGE

>but this developer has chosen content matter and a way of representing it that makes it very difficult for us to help them do that
iirc the game was pretty bad it didnt even deal with the topic and at the end of the day the creator just put it on his website for like a 20 buck cashgrab, just planned controversy for easy money

*laughs in rance*

>game lets you murder
>game lets you steal
>game lets you shoot people
>game can't let you rape


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It’s pretty fucking simple.
There are millions of people out there who cry about the time that they were raped by so and so. You all probably know someone who told you about the time they were raped.

Now let me ask you this: how many people do you know who have told you about the time they were murdered?

"Gender equality"

That's pretty much how half of the Rance games play out

That's fucked up, I would've stoped having fun turned off the PC/Console right there and feel bad for the rest of the day and probably not touch that game for a while feeling dirty.

All men are rapists


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It wasn't even a game. It was a shitty visual novel made in ren'py by some slav using stolen 3d daz models. It had the lowest level of effort invested into it and was just trying to make a handful of bucks off shock value.

Are you devaluing murder? At least in rape they get to live... Are you telling me is cuz dead people can't complain?

This. The faggot made it to be purposefully grotesque and insulting to dare Steam into deleting it. Meanwhile other rape games are allowed to stay because they're trying to be erotic and not faggot provocateurs ruining shit for everyone. I was grateful to discover Valve knows the difference, at least for now, I do doubt it will last much longer

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>millions of people "survive" rape
>0 people survive being murdered
rape doesn't seem so bad when you put it like that

What was this game about, yknow, besides what I imagine to be buttrape.

terrible argument