What is your digimon partner, Yas Forums?
What is your digimon partner, Yas Forums?
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This piece of fur bait. Thankfully he can become Allomon X so not all is lost.
I have never seen this dude before
rightfully so.
X digimon were a mistake
It's a lava dragon from a dead mobile game
The only things he was in was a gatcha and the Pendulum 20th, specifically the Silver and Beelzemon versions.
why me
thats gay
Wtf I didn't know there were cool Digimon
I got Koemon.. He doesn't even have a "canon" line. He kinda a cute monkey tho.Could have been much worse.
nice one
worse chessmon
I like to assign to him either Sepikmon and Makuramon, or Hanumon and Gokumon(the monkey)
Agumon with belts.
Agumon (Forma de Nomura)
What the fuck did they do to my boy?
What’s a Tinkermon? Can I fuck her?
Sure...if you're this guy.
Apparently there's a lot it can become, but I'd be fooling myself if I said I'd make it anything other than Angewomon/LadyDevimon/Lilithmon.
el goblino
this guy looks like a selectable character from an early 90s japanese arcade game
Agumon with stripes?
I don't know this guy but at least it has decent evolutions
Doesn't seem to have any evolutions, though I like the cap since I have one in a similar style. I guess we'd travel the Digital World in search of the perfect burger or something?
>phone gets Tentomon
Guess I have to be a phone poster.
I got this literally edgy thing. Looking at its canon evolutions it becomes even more sword-like, which I guess I'm okay with?
I like him, he shouts and brags that he is the twentieth. Even though he has no idea what that means.
I hate this guy so much
at least his evolutions are neat, i'll keep him
Out of all of it's awesome evolutions you pick that?
have you seen his counterpart
i don't think Gazimon really fits the Dobermon line.
Well he is a dog, and definitely not a dragon.
He works best with Fangmon
yeah i think this line is good for me
holy based homo stacy