"Riiiina, I had that dream again last night."

>"Riiiina, I had that dream again last night."
>"You mean the one where we're idols but also squids?"
>"Yeah but this time we were in a subway and fought a statue"
>"You gotta stop smoking and listening to vaporwave before bed girl."

Splatoon thread.

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i'd impregnate human marina

Any male who isn't an omega faggot would impregnate Marina.

I'd impregnate Pearl.

This isn't accurate since it doesn't show off Pearl's giant 5 head


Play the upcoming demo if you've never tried it.

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this is a transexual yebby

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Why are you so cringe all the time

I want to fuck that nigger

Oh god i like this alot.

I'm still surprised no one has done Pearl and Marina as Angelica and Suzie

Do you think they'll rerun more splatfests or just the mayo/ketchup one?

They said it was a one-off but who knows. Maybe it'll gauge interest.

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Shut up with this gross faggotry and state what team you're representing.

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Mustard but only because I like Honey Mustard


Didn't even make the cut.

Mayo, I've really flipped over the year since seeing this meme. Mayo and fries is dope

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>Shen is still alive

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Shit, Ketchup then

don't do it, she's black

His lewd account stealth brock is mainly alive.

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What kind of shit taste do you have to have to look at something like this and go "it needs to be more boring"?

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ngl Marina seems like she'd be a huge stoner cause of the airhead mechanic thing.
pic unrelated

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>Do you think they'll rerun more splatfests
I hope not turf war is boring as fuck.

The "it was all a dream" trope is fucked up. Way to ruin any good story.

Ketchup because I'm not a B*lgian monkey.

>Shen Aisha Clanclan
I feel enlightened.

I think they both bake in one of Pearl's myriad of closets.

Pic related even though I fucking hate that it exists.

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>mentally ill senda stalker will even post in Yas Forums threads
Jesus you're ill

Just report and move on, don't give it attention

Mayo then and mayo now
Ketchup has an overpowering taste whose sole purpose is to hide the taste of food
Mayo's taste mixes in even when used as a condiment, and it can be used for cooking
If anything, mayo should've been Marina's choice, it's more sophisticated. Pearl is as straightforward as ketchup.