The only pairing that matters

The only pairing that matters.

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how about cloud dies instead and they live happily ever after together

sorry user, but tifaxyuffie is superior

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I want aerith to worship those meat puppies

is pretty much cannon both of them have a poly relationship between them and cloud and have threesomes every night and sometimes other guys also join to give cloud a D

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Why does Aeris look so surprised here? With a butt like that it's no wonder Tifa can't keep her hands off.

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i want tifa to fuck my ass with her strap

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>t. Aerith

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Still waiting on somebody to make a totally full body nude edit of that

i’ve got it


I low-key do kinda ship these two.

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You mean Mistress Scarlet/slave tifa?

...Y'know, Cloud dying would be a coolish plot twist

Tifa a cuckquean and watches her gf Aerith fuck other girls while Tifa is only allowed to watch

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Go back to Ieddit. Literally the shittiest image hosting site and you decide to pick the one owned by Ieddit. Summer came early.

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how do you know it's owned by reddit?

>The only pairing that matters

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Mega it then, dump it on /aco/, I don't care. Just post it somewhere.


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cloud is the ultimate tranny

lotta low quality pairings here

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i hate pairings like this
its just "what if 2 random people that are attractive but are sometimes seen near each other with zero chemistry" were actually massively in love.
why bother making pairings with characters you like if your just going to write them so ooc that their new characters?


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t. hasn't played the remake

tifa is for yuffie

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Hey, I've never played these games, I just think both of them are hot and want more pictures of them frantically rubbing their bodies against each other.

You're right. And I have absolutely no intention of playing it until it's finished in 2030 for PS5.
Don't even (You) me, you know I'm right

lesbian sex isn't attractive at all
kind of boring. if something doesn't involve a primal male pounding the shit out of a small docile female, its shit

Yeah, 2 girls part of a dude's harem are head canon "gay".

Aerith is the boss of that relationship.

Tifa is a sub, even for little girls. I wish there was more domme yuffie/tifa art

its like tumbler at this point.
didn't you see that one extremely small scene for 1 second where one character blushed for possibly multiple reasons?
yeah im thinking that proves their madly in love and im not just a retarded coomer.

Based as fuck
Autism but I hope there's a name for this

>punching boxer chick is the weak submissive one
>healer flower girl planet-loving hippie is the strong dominant one
is this just shipping faggotry or actual characters in game? didnt play the remake

Different strokes m8, personally the more women the better.

The only pairing that matters is Aerith and Sephiroth's sword