aaand dropped
Aaand dropped
so you can play as a crack whore?
erm? yikes!
based. OP won't play kino, leaving it all for me.
cool, another Yas Forums thread
Dropped because they made characters hotter?
Honestly i unironically hate everything about nu-Cyberpunk. All aesthetics, music, design, characters, fucking everything.
Complete opposite of the first trailers.
>game has character creation
>through autistic tantrum because the prebuilt models aren't how you want them to be
Literally kys
>waaaahhhh why don't developers treat me like a special little snowflake and make games exactly how I want them to be
you spelled throw wrong, man. I agree with you, but you spelled throw as through which is incorrect
The promo model is usually the best one/most detailed one.
Not to mention it's a huge fucking indicator on the direction the devs want to take the game.
Different guy, I just think OP is a way bigger faggot than the nerd who mixed up some words
What are you basing this on, Mass Effect?
The game does not have sliders, it has presets for faces/hairstyles/bodypart shapes etc.
You always show the best part of your game to promo it, so it is telling how this is the model they went with.
what the fuck?
they made that bitch even uglier?
his ass bio ware just fucking sucks at modeling play any of their games and you would see that
The ones censoring games that aren't even aimed at them are female supremacists and their beta slaves.
You know the drill. If your post ends in 77 you have to preorder
ok if its anything else I am pirating the gog version
>waaaaah how dare people criticize the promo material i want to lick corporate shoe MORE
kill yourself tranny you will never pass
jesus fucking christ they made "her" even uglier
When did racial ambiguity become cool?
This is such a retarded take user,
First off, this shit is entirely subjective. Personally I would completely disagree and I would say they always show the most basic bitch option that appeals to the lowest common denominator cause they don't want to alienate people with weird designs. I've always found that the best cosmetic options are buried deep in the game, devs almost never show the cool faces or haircuts in the promotional materials because the average person is a basic bitch coomer that only cares about making a sexy self insert or waifu.
Even then, lets assume this was the ONLY model in the game.
Like, lets pretend you have no options aside from the dude or the chick, and they have to look like the default.
Who fucking cares? Its a first person game, if you don't think the girl is cute enough then play as the fucking dude. Is this really that fucking important to you? Whens the last time you looked at the way you've been acting over this, why do you care so much?
How did you get to a point in your life where the way the default character model for a girl in a first person RPG is causing you actual emotional distress for an extended period of time?
Like, this isn't just a "Oh I just found out today and boy I'm annoyed, I sure am being hyperbolic" kinda thing, you've been at this for months
Its a cyberpunk setting, I don't know what you expected if not racial ambiguity.
Rent free
this is not the cyberpunk style I know and love
I wanna fuck Courtney Gears
So you literally only know Blade Runner?
Bladerunner would be set in the upper crust areas mostly, even though its a totally different setting.
Thats a rich people cyberpunk story, the two people in the OP are street rat scumbags
>bitch coomer that only cares about making a sexy self insert or waifu
Well too bad they failed at that.
Main girl looks like anorectic meth addict russian discount Sombra. What a joke.
>Cyberpunk in 2020 is just an inner-city H&M
There's something so undermining about wearing a Graphic T-shirt as an adult.
At least with her she's put an outfit together, but the implication with him is
"Hah, yeaaah, a fucked up face with pills, man, that's what I'm about."
They've somehow made high-tech, low-life unbelievably fucking uncool, it's hysterical.
>gameplay footage pre-2020 has hot female
>CDPR hires femme devs in 2020
>suddenly hot female protag is uggo extreme
why am I not surprised
bladerunnerfags should kill themselves