Guild Wars 15th anniversary

Continuing from Come join the fun. New elite skills for every profession, new weapons and much much more!

Hang out with the cool kids in the Fihserman's Haven.

Check patch details and more stuff at:


Attached: gw091.jpg (1920x1040, 612.38K)

Other urls found in this thread:



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>took the screenshot right as I left
Thanks. Seems like you have to complete regular missions to get the proofs.


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Are all the good dyes still expensive

>you now remember Mursaat Rally

Who wants to start a new character with me?
Is there a Yas Forums guild?

guild wars was always more environment design and fashion than anything else.
the first one just managed to also have great gameplay. GW2 cant die soon enough


Attached: Kormir.jpg (261x700, 33.53K)

I just started a Rt
no guild that I know of

Are we being raided?

Are you sure you want in

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Some user in the previous thread was talking about a exe parameter that would make the game fully download. What is it?

>it's a Togo must survive mission
I slowly starting to remember cancer parts.



Sale when?

see for others (if needed)

New Ritu skill!!!

Attached: gw092.jpg (409x182, 37.61K)

Oh and spawning power in template was 3 so that's gonna be a longer duration.

oh wow it's shit.
thanks for posting tho, keep em coming

that actually might not be terrible if it applies to necro minions

RANDOM rit weapon spell
even the elite ones


doesn't mean every weapon spell is good, imo there a like 5 good ones at most or worthwhile

Wonder if it can give Great Dorf's Weapon.

This. Combine with an MM and that could be very potent.

>have to set up character's backstory
>set up my character with the idea that it's a descendant of my GW1 character
>"Pick a God!"
>know that for RP purposes I have to pick this bitch

I'm not proud that I even acknowledged this cunt

>Your connection to the server was lost

over and over again

Why did they fuck up Guild Wars 2 so bad?

>burger Embark Beach has 3 districts

>all the guild recruting announcements in Kamadan
A-are we home, lads?

Is it free?

all the good people left the company.


its like ESO. one time buy and you get everything. goty edition on steam is 20 bucks.

I don't care I'm not paying money for a 15 year old game