What are some video games where the villain successfully paints the hero as a bad guy and then you have to fight...

What are some video games where the villain successfully paints the hero as a bad guy and then you have to fight against both the actual bad guys and the misinformed public?

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user, i just want you to know that i fully support you in this fight.
Please, do go outside without a mask, don't wash your hands, and come in close physical contact with as many people as you can.
And whatever you do, don't get vaccinated.
I believe in you user, you can do this.

its amazing how ben garrison is like a caricature of every boomer stereotype



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>do go outside without a mask, don't wash your hands, and come in close physical contact with as many people as you can
been doing this for two months now. what's supposed to happen?

>Conservatives in Kentucky mass-protest the social distancing
>Cause the largest spike in the virus in their state
What can you even say to these retards?

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You keep doing it until the government sends you free vidya as reward.
Trust me.

>Theyre going to blame trump!
>Then theyre going to declare martial law!
Who do you think is in charge you idiots? Who would dclare martial law if not Trump?


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You realize it takes more than a week to show symptoms and most of the people at the protests wouldn't have even bothered to get themselves tested right? There is no correlation there you absolute idiot.


Based and redpilled and fuck snowflakes. Remember OP the world is against you, you and the band of heroes you surround yourself with. Don't trust doctors, don't trust the media, just trust your gut you are smarter than them all.

How fucking dumb you gotta be to be an antivax right now, this is the world without ONE vaccine, right now, you are playing the demo, do you like it?

They literally do blame trump for everything. Even what other countries are 100% guilty of.


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The media already blames Trump for the virus but tiptoes around or outright praise dear leader Winnie the Pooh

These cartoons are so comically over the top stupid I legitimately can't tell if these are real or a parody. I'd believe either, because here we are.

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i'd take it, but i am also ready to see some serious side effects because it's being rushed out, like the people that ended up with sleep apnea because of the birdflu vaccine, which was also rushed out.

Its funny that you use this comic, your third world shithole is in the most need of a vaccine.

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something about conspiracy idiots triggers me really hard but i cant put my finger on what

seems to be a self correcting issue

feel bad for anyone who didnt cash out on oil rip

Other people doing it doesn't exempt you from blame for doing it too

Only I don't see other leaders exorting their people to "liberate" places in lockdown

>implying it'll go back up

It's over user, they'll be dumping the shit in the ocean before long, screen cap this.


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You do realize the protests have been going for longer than a week, and tests will be performed on people being brought into hospitals, right?

this is satire right

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it's so low, now is the time to buy!

Why do murrican boomers fear vaccinations so much???

>literally a flu
>barely any deaths, mostly among elderly that are already debilitated
lmao, miss me with this commie shit

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Persona 5

Ben Garrison is what you get if every single meme the rest of Yas Forums says about Yas Forums turns out to be true.


>stupid right wing conspiracy theories

Ok boomer.

I will Obey

Good thread.

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Nah, I'll just wear a mask.

unironically Fallout: New Vegas

>Ok boomer.

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if people want follow the orange retard off a cliff, let them

>people are afraid of pandemic
>thing that didn't happen
>shutdown due to GLOBAL PANDEMIC
>people blame the guy who fired the pandemic response team, downplayed the virus and then lied about the severity, this man happens to be in charge of the country

I'm sure Bill Gates is pouring the barrier concrete for the checkpoints himself, Ben.

You are ignorant of just how bad things truly are.

I don't even understand what the goblin is trying to say. Essential workers also include doctors, nurses, mechanics, construction workers, police, etc, all of which work for well above minimum wage.

Keep fighting the good fight! If you're stubborn enough, no evil NWO conspiracies will take you down!
Also, get oil while it's free, you'll be a millionaire! Dump them in your basement.

>encourage people to snitch on others
>receive dick pics

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Garrison just got so mindbroken by GOP rhetoric that he became a schizo

>If I post this picture I win the argument

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>Trump literally tried to say that the virus was a Democratic hoax
>It hits America
>Hits us incredibly hard
>Trump says to not wear masks
>More and more people get infected
>People can't stay inside their fucking houses for a goddamn month
>People start protesting in large groups
>Trump screaming "LIBERATE [State]" on Twitter
>Lies about how Americans will get testing kits
>Claims that he shouldn't be held responsible for his absolute mental retardation
>People are still sworn by this guy
Can't wait until this fucking retard is out of office.

>tfw not an essential wagie

The reason there are little deaths is because majority of humans are currently in lockdown.

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persona 5

why do ben garrison comics read like satire, does he have no self awareness?

uh lmao

>>If I post this picture I win the argument

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>Ben Garrison

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Zyklon Ben doesn't believe in his own shit, he just found a niche with both a huge ironic an unironic following. Both are retarded

nah we're overreacting everything is fine

Stay inside.
Flatten the curve.
Get your vaccines.
Wear a mask.
Install program.

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Im out of the loop, why do they hate bill gates so much?

what's this chip vaccine I keep hearing about?

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He never said it was a hoax, and this went from use common sense to lock everything down, lose your rights, or get fined pretty fast.

>Rapid incline of deaths only dropped off after forced lockdown and social distancing
>I will pretend this was never a problem because the means to fight it are working

do you know what Sweden has been doing since the beginning of this pandemic?

jack shit.
they told old and sick people to stay away, that's it, they didn't have a "pandemic response team" they downplayed the virus and lied about it, and they are in charge of Sweden.

but Sweden is a perfect paradise and the USA is for some reason, detroit incarnate

Because he wants to inject people with microchips to keep track of where you are. Huge donor to WHO.