Sign the petition below:
I know this is bait, but it IS a remake. No need to change the name.
tpbp, OP is an autist
>5 posts, 4 IPs
nice one, OP
People at square enix are liers
Thanks for signing
Why should they change the title?
>[Petition] Square Enix Must Change The Title of "Final Fantasy VII Remake" And Refund Its Customers!
I've been saying this since SE first announced it was "episodic" without them changing the name to reflect that. Not putting Episode 1 in the title is disingenuous, scummy, and very possibly false advertising. They intentionally only only ever brought up the fact that it's episodic in interviews that the average casual consumer doesn't have time to read. Then like the little rats they are made absolutely certain to never allude to the game's episodic nature in the title, trailers, synopsis, and any mainstream marketing the bulk of consumers would base their purchase on. It's scummier than most DLC practices. Not to mention it's the only episodic game I'm familiar with that charges full price for every individual part.
>John Stwees started this petition
>30 have signed.
This is so sad. I would sign, not because I agree with you (because I don't), but because I feel sad for you.
fucking signed
Literally kill yourselves. If entitlement had a face, it would be yours.
Because it is not a Remake, a remake isn't supposed to change the story.
goddamn autistic sociopaths
This shit is why people hate gamers and no one can ever blame them for that until we get better.
technically but wasn't marketed as such. there's zero way someone that didn't play the original can follow what the fuck is going on through this shit. it's a sequel and you all know it.
>[Petition] Square Enix Must Change The Title of "Final Fantasy VII Remake" And Refund Its Customers!
So you paid 60$ for this motherfucking game?
What if Remake is just the subtitle of the game and has nothing to do with the game being a remake?
>[Petition] Square Enix Must Change The Title of "Final Fantasy VII Remake" And Refund Its Customers!
If I order a blue car and get a red car instead, even if it may the same model I ordered, it is a breach of agreement and therefor the purchase contract is nullified. I don't understand why it shouldn't be the same for games.
that would be true, were it a one to one remake. this is a pseudo sequel so they can go where ever they want with this story or not continue it at all. they padded the midgar part out to include more content than many full price games it isn't in three hour chunks. they can go completely off the rails in the next game and do whatever they want and call it something else.
that is a rule that exists only in your mind. see the actual definition of the word makes no such requirement
Funny part is that they will put Part 2 or Episode 2 on the sequel
I'm not him, but okay, we can play it your way
It's still not a remake because it's a fucking sequel
you could try to argue that in court but I don't see it going your way. it's implied with remakes that changes are necessary simply by virtue of the gameplay and ways you interact with the game world changing. it was clear even in the demo they changed story beats like with Shina blowing their own reactor to do more damage than intended and blame Avalanche. since it was always clear there were artistic liberties made from the outset and that they stated it would be episodic from the beginning and obviously advertised nothing outside of Midgar(because there obviously was nothing to show) it's on you and your own ignorance were you shocked to learn about any of this. the info was there for those who care and your own ignorance alone isn't grounds to prove any sort of chicanery.
I guess the question that could really ask is what would be an acceptable level of change and why should the world conform to your specific internalized interpretation of that line?
Then they should've been more clear about it instead of mentioning it in interviews barely anyone is going to read.
When it's confirmed that the story is headed in a completely different direction and that the original timeline still happened, then you've trampled all notion of the new one being a remake. It's a soft reboot if you wanna call it something other than a sequel.
>make something differently
This definition doesn't explain how differently and in what way.
You can wiggle around with that definition loosely enough to call Need for Speed a Mario Kart remake.
are the Evangelion movies considered sequels? they did the exact same thing. there is precident for this sort of thing.
you being mad about it being a pseudo sequel doesn't mean anything. calling it a sequel would hurt it and draw criticism that it's too much like the original. people would be saying the sequel should have been called remake. there is no winning there. it was smarter to call it this and leave the implication of it being something more that would go well over the head of a first time player.