XC2 thread

Is this the most hated RPG to come out recently? Literally every XB fan I know fucking hates it and it's only loved by secondaries.

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Other urls found in this thread:

arch.b4k.co/v/search/text//v/ suddenly hates xc2/

Literally every thread on Yas Forums I've seen fucking hates this game it's unreal lmao


is XCX good

Better than the cringe-bomination that is XB2

I'm playing through 1 for the first time right now. I installed this and x though. I still have a long way to go

>Gearsfags and Sagafags are secondaries
No user, you are the secondary.

Is there any good way to emulate PS1 games? Finished all of the Blade games and wanted to see what Xenogears was like.

PS1 games emulate fine, literally just google 'PS1 emulator'. There's also Sony's official software back compat for the PS3, PSP and Vita. If you live in North America or have an NA-region PSN account, you can buy Xenogears from the PSN and play it on all three systems.

Only smashfags hate this one

>Gearsfags and Sagafags are secondaries
You mean those people that say that love them before dropped them because they were too slow?

>Is this the most hated RPG to come out recently?

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Hello Andrew.

Nice shitposting thread, Xfag

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I didn't make this thread, I don't make any XC2 threads as I don't like it getting any attention, even negative.
I'll be more than happy when this goes down, believe you me.

Please help me in getting rid of it, yes?

Should I bother finish it? I left 15 hours in and never touched back but now with XC Definitive coming out I don't know if I'm missing something leaving it unfinished

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Start by putting sage in the right field, so your shit thread can die, that way you can hold your word, fucktard. But that won't do, as you were using your phone for posting and bumping it. At least, disable the autocorrect, you brainlet.

See , that's what you sound like. Keep simping for a game literally everyone on this board hates.

Don't bether, it never gets better. It's widely considered the worst Xeno game for a reason.

You never sage because you actually want XC2 threads to stay up, because you have no other purpose in life but to shitpost in them.
You expect me to believe you want this thread gone when you've literally said you might die if there weren't any XC2 threads for a month?

Reminder arch.b4k.co/v/search/text//v/ suddenly hates xc2/

In reality you should wait for XCDE to come out and then once you're done with it grab XC2, or play XC2 until you finish chapter 6.

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so you'd kill yourself if there weren't XC2 threads anymore

>my mission
Okay agent.

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I thought you said you weren't bumping the thread?

That is not him, he got banned...again.

Wouldn't the thread go down if that was the case?

imagine being so obnoxious that your shitposting gets deleted before blunderfag's

That's not me, user. That was just that guy who always gets banned on Xenoblade threads.

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They are the same person.

if by "every thread on Yas Forums" you mean that fag spamming the "japanese humor" thread then you're a retard to think he actually played the game
the game was good and only pants shitting boomers hate it

Yas Forums actually seems to be atypically positive about this game. I'm actually thinking about getting a Switch for this and a few other titles.

I'm at Chapter 6, don't see what the fuss is, game is about 6/10.

>Chapter 6
Shit's about to hit the fan.

I'm not him, he made this thread, and I want it gone.

The ones who hate it are the secondaries though.
True Xenochads love it and appreciate the numerous callbacks to Gears and escalating scope of the story.

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This game came out two and a half years ago, yet people still shitpost about it on a daily basis. What's the deal? Don't youhave something better to do?

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Imagine having such a massive hate boner for a game you never played, that your tactic is trying to persuade others that everyone.on Yas Forums hates it.
For starters, who in their right mind would give a fuck about what majority of Yas Forums thinks?

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We've been over this, there was no callback to the little boy getting fucked in the ass so it's not a true Gears successor.

Because OP is falseflagging XC2fag

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I played XG on Vita and didn't have any issues.
Wherever you play it, I recommend the undub and fast text patches. There was a MEGA link circling around a few months back with it prepatched, not sure if anyone has that.
I have it downloaded so I could upload it to drive or something.

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It's a step backwards from XC1 and X in almost every way and the most interesting parts of the story are the parts about XC1. The highlight of the game is literally hearing a voiceline from Shulk, which says a lot about how terrible the actual story and characters of the game are.

Since it's probably been a while since you've played XC2 and you've forgotten a lot, maybe you could play XC Definitive first. As much as I like both games, XC2 definitely has a slow start, in terms of both story and combat. XC1 gets into it much quicker, so you might find out that you really like the Xenoblade formula faster.

the callback to the little boy getting fucked in the ass is you, the player

I already played the first and bought a switch when the remastered got announced decided to play the sequel

If you already played XC might as well finish XC2 before XCDE comes out.