Thoughts on Ghost Trick

Just finished this game and I'm surprised on how great it was. I Haven't done a second playthrough but I'm excited to see some clues and foreshadowing that I didn't notice the first time through.

>The gameplay is simple, and although easy, I really liked the puzzles acting like a Rube Goldberg Machine. It's engaging enough and is interwoven with the story very well.

>I Really liked the story, at one point it had so many questions that I was unsure if all of them would be resolved, but the conclusion came at a natural pace and was done perfectly. The dialogues are funny, the characters are well-written, especially Missile, he really sounded like a dog.

>The visuals were really good too, the flattened 3D models were made in a way to give them detail enough to create some depth, but not too much as not to clash with the background.
Now some questions that may have some answers:
When travelling through time to change someone fate, you usually start where you entered the corpse, but when detective Rindge died on the car crash, we started the 4-minute time travel on the park, this is the only instance I remember this happening in the game
The game removes some objects like the Minister's present (the lighter) so you can't come back and help the lady in purple
If the park is so heavily guarded like they said, why didn't anyone notice Kamila being kidnapped?

And that's it, I recommend everyone to play this game, it's almost criminal this game isn't more well-know.

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Based reviewposter

Glad you enjoyed it OP, it blew me away when I first played and it's my favorite game.
>but when detective Rindge died on the car crash, we started the 4-minute time travel on the park, this is the only instance I remember this happening in the game
You start at Rindge's position relative to the van he was in. If you look at the silhouette of his corpse you come out in the park, it's him dead through the windshield.
The only time the game actually makes an exception for this rule is Yomiel's death 10 years in the past. I chalked that one up to being so long ago that the planet had moved too much and the forces behind rewinds couldn't set the location properly, defaulting to the point of death in the park instead of somewhere underwater.

>If the park is so heavily guarded like they said, why didn't anyone notice Kamila being kidnapped?
She didn't know there was undercover cops nearby and went with no resistance. IIRC she didn't scream for help or anything

I wish there were more to the blue men. Feels like unresolved sequel bait.

One of my favorite DS games. Glad you enjoyed it, OP.

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Love it when a reviewpost pops up, so refreshing reading well thought out posts instead of Twitter screencaps and low effort bait. There was just a NieR Automata high effort post last night
and then a FF7R one before that

>"Ghost Trick is one of the most perfect games I've ever played. The music is superb, the gameplay is imaginative, the story is brilliant, and the visuals are fantastic. There's no part of Ghost Trick which performs its duties any less than spectacularly. Completing the game left me more satisfied than any game I can recall, thanks in large part to its amazing conclusion which wraps up nearly every loose end."
>"Ghost Trick has probably the best story I've ever seen in a computer game."

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>You start at Rindge's position relative to the van he was in. If you look at the silhouette of his corpse you come out in the park, it's him dead through the windshield.
I Thought that was the case until Lynne's 5yh death, when we found her body she is floating in the water, and when we travel back in time, we start the time travel in the same position (it looks like lynne's body is floating in the air), So by that logic, rindge's body should also be in the air. Honestly idk that much, the devs probably forgot about it.

>If the park is so heavily guarded like they said, why didn't anyone notice Kamila being kidnapped?
Yeah you are right, didn't thought of that.

I didn't like it. The puzzles frustrated and overwhelmed me so I stopped playing not even half way through.

I Was at that FF7R one, was really fun to have some honest discussion.

I Found the game through him, and then heard about it from Yas Forums, that was enough to make me want to check it out.


>everyone sucks his dick, but even then his Ghost Trick video is the least watched review on his channel with not even a 100k views
Unfair, not even e-celebs can bring the game out obscurity and give it the level of public recognition that it deserves

Underrated kino game

Honest question, are you legitimately retarded?

When I hear people complain about the puzzles it's usually that they are too easy and not complex enough. Maybe puzzle/adventure games just aren't for you

Absolute kino. The entire ending sequence after the sub still makes me tear up.

Seriously? If you are playing on an emulator DON'T use save states, I made the mistake of using them and it made the puzzles more confusing and harder than they are, I'm glad they didn't put a rewind button on this game. I recommend giving the game another shot.

one of the best games ever made, you can tell how much soul they put into everything

I'd love a HD re-release on PC using the mouse, or a sequel

it's so weird that it's HD on the ipad


It's exactly as says. Puzzle games aren't for me. Except for picross. Picross is fun.

It's a good fucking game. I'm glad you liked it.

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Just replayed it, i really liked it. Especially all the hints to Sissel being a cat. I just wish there were more, harder puzzles. Even though i know that the game wouldn't be as smooth at telling the story if that was the case. I really wanna know what Shu Takumi has been up to. Ace Attorney is done right?

They made a full anime spanning the three first games of Phoenix Wright. What are the chances of this getting a season?

one of the best SOUNDTRACKS of all time

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They just don't use lotion in their country.

it wouldn't work as an anime

>let's establish the rules for a mystery story and now try to piece together the puzzle
>lmao the rules were fake all along, sure got you fooled now!!!
This is about the cheapest and shittiest way you can force a twist in a story.

>oh shit the villain is one of these 8 guys who was present at this event
>let's go through them one by one and figure out which one it is
>JUST KIDDING lol there was a 9th guy there, we all just forgot haha
The manga 20th Century Boys pulled the same bullshit and it's fairly popular. Are normies into this kind of shitty storytelling?

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The best dog in video games period (Ammy is a very close second)

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what are you talking about?

Maybe one day I'll try it again. I'd have to find my cartridge first though.

The only fake rule is the you will die after dawn one, which isn't really that important, it only boosted or character motivation. And the only inconsistency I found was this one: , everything else was left unexplained and foreshadowed so it can be explained later.

>Sissel has to explain how a gun works to Missile because he's a fucking dog
>Missile had to explain how guns work to Sissel because he's a fucking cat
it's perfect

A masterpiece. Criminally underrated, like you said. Can't even get anyone I know to play it.
I haven't touched it since release but this thread is really making me wanna whip out my old copy and play it again.

yeah and how you're the blond guy
and how the police guy murdered someone
and there was probably some other shit too but I played this garbage years ago

Honestly the epitome of "soul."

In fact, now that I think about it, the DS had a lot of soulful adventure games.

Your post is factually untrue. If you're talking about Sissel being a cat it's literally there since the prologue. As early as Chapter 5 you see the junkyard surveillance video showing Yomiel holding the same bag you saw minutes before and Lynne's first shot missing, and then the cat popping out of it.
An intelligent and observant player could deduce not even 1/4 of the way through the game that Yomiel was carrying a bag containing the cat and Lynne missed and killed it on accident. You wouldn't know why Lynne was shooting yet but clues like the Special Prison and its inmates doing inexplicable, physically impossible actions they couldn't remember can already clue a smart player into the existence of a Ghost who can Trick people.
As for the existence of Yomiel himself, they already strongly imply that his character was working with the blue men since you find out extremely early he was going to meet them at the chicken kitchen, and Jowd's painting as early as Chapter 5 shows you he had something to do with this man's execution. So you could figure out that "the guy in red" Sissel thinks he is isn't really who he thinks he is but rather a separate, malevolent entity.
The foreshadowing is great, I'm sorry you're retarded.

user those aren't "rules"
y-you know how mystery stories work right?