PChads, NintendoCHADS

PChads, NintendoCHADS...
On behalf of the Sony community, I'd like to humbly suggest a truce. It's time to set aside our differences and come to a realization that we all love vidya.
What do you say?

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sony says trans rights

Anyone who owns anything other than a PS4 is retarded


Congrats, it took you 2 fucking years to finally get a relevant game and yet you still pretend your better than anyone else

Fuck your

hahahah come on bros just having a laugh no need to get upset lol you'll get your games one of these days haha

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Im in, hate lets you to nonwhere
I love bloodborne and i love dota 2 equally, never played a nintendo game but they look hella good and fun

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fuck off

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Reminder that just within the last 2 years, Sony has:
>moved the Playstation HQ to California
>censored games for no reason to the point of having Rated M games on Switch being Rated E on PS4
>forced Japanese devs to have meetings in English with no interpreter
>angered AA and below Japanese devs, pushing them away from the PS4
>been actively uncooperative with crossplay, making themselves the only platform not included in crossplay in several large games
>lost several console exclusives to Switch
>pulled out of E3 completely
>gone on record saying they're struggling to adapt to the current climate and thinks consoles will be obsolete soon
>announced they're going to be making fewer games from now on
>announced that they will no longer support smaller studios in favor of Triple AAA studios
>make the PS5 a niche only machine
>They will rise PS5 price thanks to China & US problems and instead to move out to the other country they said: "asking customers to bear part of the burden"

Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one bites the dust
Hey, I'm gonna get you, too
Another one bites the dust

Exclusives that sony lost:
>God of War
>Death Stranding
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>Yakuza 0
>Yakuza Kiwami
>Yakuza Kiwami 2
>Final Fantasy 7 Remake
>Ni No Kuni 2
>Trails of Cold Steel 3
>Trails of Cold Steel 4
>the Hatsune Miku Project Diva franchise
>Tetris Effect
>Street Fighter 5
>Detroit: Become Human
>Earth Defense Force 5
>the MLB the Show franchise
>Catherine: Full Body
>the Crash Bandicoot franchise
>DJMax Respect
>Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception
>Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth
>Ys Celcetta
>Trails of Cold Steel 1 & 2
>Tokyo Xanadu
>Akiba's Trip 2
>Neptunia Rebirth 1, 2, 3
>Neptunia VII
>Neptunia U
>Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls
>Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies
>Hyper Devotion Noire
>Mary Skelter 1
>Mary Skelter 2
>Moero Chronicles
>Moero Crystal
>Gun Gun Pixies
>Monster Monpiece
>Dark Rose Valkyrie
>Fairy Fencer F
>Omega Quintet
>Sorcery Saga
>Death end re;Quest
>Dragon Star Varnir
>Beyond: Two Souls
>Heavy Rain
>Hell Divers
>Valkyrie Drive
>Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus
>Senran Kagura Estival Versus
>Senran Kagura Bon Appetit
>Aegis of Earth
>Disgaea 5
>Disgaea 4
>Superbeat: Xonic
>Frozen Synapse Prime
>Dangan Ronpa Another Episode
>Dangan Ronpa 1 + 2
>Penny Punching Princess
>The Caligula Effect
>God Wars
>The Lost Child
>Operation Abyss
>Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters
>Lost Dimension
>The Atelier franchise
>htoL#NiQ: The Firefly Diary
>Yomawari: Night Alone
>Yomawari: Midnight Shadows
>Corpse Party: Blood Drive
>A Rose in the Twilight
>Assault Gunners
>Shining Resonance
>The Last Guardian

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A truce is only as strong as its weakest member, if you get rid of the nincels and port bloodborne to the pc we would be willing to accept your truce.

the xbox really is pointless

no its got 8 points it's a box still
those corners are sharp man

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>90% Neptunia-tier garbage
and since when was Control an exclusive? It's a fucking RTX game we always knew it was going to be on PC

You're still a consolefag

>The Last Guardian

I've literally met one person ever with an Xbone

Most of the games in the list have physical edition only on playstation

So original. Hey, lets complain about the sticks! I'm ready

But that's a ps3 game

Daily reminder that consolefags:
>buy console
>buy game
>pay internet bill
And then pay a monthly fee to be allowed to use the online features of the game they already bought, with the internet they already paid for, on the console they already own.

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That and the lack of good exclusives is the reason i switched from ps3 to pc last gen. I still got a ps4 later down the line but i still have barely amything for it.

And so what, that's it? We're just supposed to join hands, sit at a campfire together and sing Kumbaya?
Fuck you, faggot. You can't just undo decades of history like that. I lost my father to the wars. You'll get your truce when I get my lost brethren back.

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sonyghers utterly btfo by xchads

Rent Free

ummmmmmmmmmmm nitenbrooooos where are youuur gaaames??
It's beeen 3 years and still, no gaames
what's going oon brooosssss

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make the PSchad also a silly wojack and then this image will be truly based


Are you talking about PS4 or the switch?

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We are at a truce because there are no games

>sonybro offers to make peace, maybe even help the nincel lose his virginity
>nincel seethes and cries like a baby
why are they like this?

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dude trust me, it's true

What's going on sonygroids? Did you just realize Microsoft fucked you in the ass for the last 2 years and the piss5 looks like it won't fix any of those copes of yours?