>ps4 exclusive
template thread niggers should be shot unironically. I literally mean it, we should have a policy to publicly execute these buffoons.
Here's an unpopular opinion.
Fuck FF.
there is literally nothing else to play
nothing is coming out
Anyone seen Barry lately? I'm worried...
yeah i remember when ff7r was a fukken masterpiece
Not an unpopular opinion.
Even FF fans hate 90% of the games.
FFVI fags hate FFVII, FFVII fags hate FFVIII, FFVIII fags hate FFIX, FFIX fags hate FFX, and so forth.
>JRPG is fastest selling game on a console
what other platform can you play it on right now
So when is it coming out for the other consoles and PC
Bannerlord, Animal Crossing, Nioh 2, Doom, RE3, Disaster Report, Persona, Alyx, Cold Steel, Granblue, Sakura Wars, Gears Xcom and actual Xcom
There's a bunch of stuff coming out, just nothing people care about as much as this. Well, except for Animal Crossing which has to be the biggest game on the planet right now.
They say this with every fucking game.
Game for autists and virgins
Game for manchildren and trannies
Won't even list the rest of that bullshit list. Nioh 2 was lovely though. I got the platinum on it.
Isn't FF the most westaboo JRPG on the market right now?
People don't actually believe that this is more than all you CoD's and Fifas, do they?
Outside english localizations, not really.
I don't care what you like or don't, I'm just telling you that there's no shortage of any game for anyone at the moment.
Because they keep breaking records, cope, nintendildo. Not everyone bought a shit console with no games like you.
3rd March, 2021
it didn't sell that much, 3.5 million SHIPPED
I fucking hate it when faggots call games that are not exclusive "exclusive"
like fag, nioh isn't exclusive, no xbox games are exclusive anymore and this game isn't exclusive either
fuck off retards
Shut up.
No, I meant in general. It's fucking retarded.
They hate them but still play them
there are no physical copies of the game available
Probably hanging himself
>animal crossing
facebook-tier walking simulators aren't games.
no, fromsoft's annual souls rehashes are. why do you think westaboos do mental gymnastics to claim them as wrpgs?
How is this a headline? Sony never had any well selling exclusives lmfao.
Pokemon is so westaboo most don't even consider it a J or an RPG.