I've never played a Final Fantasy game to completion in my life. I'm going to start with 6, then move on to 7...

I've never played a Final Fantasy game to completion in my life. I'm going to start with 6, then move on to 7. Any first timer tips? like miss able shit or helpful things like stealing beta when you leave midgar in 7

Attached: Final_Fantasy_VI.jpg (425x234, 26.81K)

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>not starting with 1
You casual piece of shit easy mode scum, do you even play video games you fucking loser? You are not a gaming god like me, a literal king of gaming, no, you are a fraud, a casual, a hypocritical manchild. Fucking casual. Pathetic.

1 isn't fun to play. It's easy and wastes your time with an absurd encounter rate.

Chill youngdefiant

>not starting with tactics
You casual piece of shit easy mode scum, do you even play video games you fucking loser? You are not a gaming god like me, a literal king of gaming, no, you are a fraud, a casual, a hypocritical manchild. Fucking casual. Pathetic.

I know this is bait but i wanted to play the mainline titles that everyone talks about. Was gonna do 6 then 7 then 4 then 8 then 1 then 9.

I've played through a good bit of 1 back in the day on NES emulators. great game but i think ill play the origins version later down the line

>not starting with 4

You should play 7 remake before the original 7. It's better.

Played the demo and HATED the combat. Its a watered down shittified KH gaeemplay where theres no dodging or proper action mechanics

But it's practically the same, except you now have to build a gauge to be able to cast your big dick spells or rectify your mistake with a heal

they all good but don't be afraid to use inbuilt speedup on 8 or 9 as the downtime to show off graphics makes them far more of a chore to play than they need to be, and the ports do not break the music

It's a fair choice, have fun with it OP.

You really won't be missing out on much by skipping the first five, though if after you finish 6, you're in the mood for more 2D sprite FF games, I would suggest 4, 5, and the PSP version of 1.

Some people might tell you you're missing out on the Job system from 3 and 5, but 6 has such a wide variety of characters that you're essentially going to be playing with various Jobs.

You might have already heard of a certain missable on a certain floating continent, but honestly, nothing too major. Explore the game as much as you enjoy it.

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1. about halfway thru the game you'll be in a flying dungeon, and you have to escape while a timer is going. Get to the end and choose to "wait" instead of "return to airship." At 5 seconds remaining on the timer something good will happen.

2. Early in the game terra gets asked if she wants to join the returners and you get a yes/no prompt. Say "no" repeatedly for a really good relic.

3. Dont grind for levels until you get espers

4. Play the snes version with romhacking.net/hacks/1386/

Play 7 first then 6.

6 is the best FF. You should actually play from FF7 to FFX first then play 6.

Thanks, this is exactly the type shit i was looking for

This user is right, OP, you are NOT missing out on anything if you don't play the previous games since their stories are fairly basic and the combat is nothing to get excited about.
My number 1 tip though: never flee a battle unless you're pretty much dead the next turn. JRPGs can get quite difficult if you skip battles and miss out on precious exp. Final Fantasy games are designed around that philosophy, just killing everything makes your characters balanced and ready for whatever boss awaits.

based and redpilled
I prefer you starting with 7 first and then play 6 later. It will make you appreciate 6 more

My favorite game series is mother, I'm no stranger to JRPG's and their grinds.

I already know about 60% of FF7 through osmosis and streams, so i wanted to play through something completely blind and i've heard the villain is good in this one but thankfully i haven't been spoiled as to why

Don't listen to the shitposting losers in this thread, FF6 is a great place to start.

My advice is to not spend any prolonged amount of time grinding at any point in the game. Once you get access to magic, pay attention to how the level up bonuses work so you can build your characters accordingly. Also, be sure to not focus on one team to beat the entire game, since you will need to use mostly everyone at various points. Have fun, and enjoy.

This is good advice if you're not using a walkthrough. I personally just play the vanilla SNES ROM with the evade fix patch for my yearly playthrough.

Is there anything that is recommended to NOT do? like certain areas to avoid early?

Nah, exploration is actually encouraged and can be very rewarding especially in endgame. Just be sure you save often and carry some warp stones on hand if you're worried about getting stuck.

When given the choice, reject joining the Returners 3 times to get Genji Gloves really early on.

> stealing beta when you leave midgar in 7
Not really needed for a first playthrough
Beta is pretty op this early in the game even if stealing it is a good challenge if that's your thing
there's a lot of missable content in early FF games but nothing too major besides maybe some plot related cutscenes in 7 who are hard to come by the first time
Also the games are fairly easy and you won't need to grind that much except for optional content
if you played the mother series you'll have no trouble

I would love to play a remake of FF1. Not modern shit like FF7R but 16bit graphics with a load of extra enemies. The problem with the early games is that the variety is extremely lacking compared to say the PS1 games. That makes random encounters boring. I would also like the characters to be more fleshed out, not tons of exposition but more depth into characters so everything is a lot more interesting.

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You should play the DS remake of FF3 it pretty much does all the stuff you're asking for save the 16 bit style.

I'm just here to recommend FF3, at least if you like job systems.

From what I've seen of FF3, it's world doesn't interest me as much as FF1.

Sounds like you are a casual. Games were never about fun. It's too boring for you? Well better toughen up you fat manchild, your backlog wont finnish itself loser. Life is cruel and victory doesn't come the fun way. A game beat you by not being funny enough, you are not a gamer lord king god, you are just a coward, a casual. Go throw your cringy battlestation into the garbage since you are just poser anyway. Game is too boring? No loser, you are just a fake gamer. Fucking sad animal.

Based and truthpilled.

1,2 and 3 are boring as fuck. FF starts being good from 4

Sounds like you are a casual. Games were never about fun. It's too boring for you? Well better toughen up you fat manchild, your backlog wont finnish itself loser. Life is cruel and victory doesn't come the fun way. A game beat you by not being funny enough, you are not a gamer
lord king god, you are just a coward, a casual. Go throw your cringy battlestation into the garbage since you are just poser anyway. Game is too boring? No loser, you are just a fake gamer. Fucking sad animal.

>Yas Forums the post

6 is good, but hits you with a MASSIVE grind wall at the very end. Still the best FF story imo.

Remember to use TWUE for the best FF6 experience possible

You can mitigate this by knowing in advance that the game will require you to use 12 characters for the final dungeon and rotating your cast throughout the whole game.
Now OP knows, at least.