Space games

>There's nothing to do in elite
>star citizen will never come out
>NMS is just space minecraft
>EVE is just a giant pain in the ass to play

I was thinking of X4, but that shit needs another 2 years to truly get good

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Honestly NMS is the better choice

maybe if the fixed the ship controlls, and make everything not look like some kind of kid drawing

play Freelancer my nigga

Im just gonna sit down and wait for star citizen
If it comes out im gonna have my stupid space games
If its a scam im going to enjoy watching the cultist paypigs seethe
its a win-win really

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>elite is literally kill with the new update
>didn't try nms or eve yet
>unironically had more fun in the current barebones version of sc than in elite right now

honestly, the space sim genre is a dead one now .
Frontier squandered all the good will and potential Elite had
Star shitizen is still a meme but at this point, I've got more hope for it than I do for Elite dangerous
NMS is like you said Minecraft in Space and i hate they kind of game. it was cool for 2 hours then you saw all the variations of the planets and that was it .
the only maybe decent one out there is Rebel Galaxy Outlaw right now.

the genre is even deader than MMOs and it's time to put it in the grave for good

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the fact that star shitizen is getting so much pledging may be because people really want a new space sim

friend bought me SC, its true that there's fucking nothing to do but just flying from point A to B and landing on planets its kino on its own

no mans sky is always an option

literally space minecraft

X4 is literally fine. Hell, go back and spend some more time in X3 if 4 is still too rough for you.

Homeworld series.
Star Wolves 1 and 3.

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I'd give my left nut and one of my kidneys for a good space sim

>I was thinking of X4, but that shit needs another 2 years to truly get good
X4 is fine. I kinda hate how the actual space feels in it, but that is probably because Elite spoiled me in that regard: but the flying is fine, the economy is great, and the amount of options you have quite massive.
Elite will hopefully pick up a little when the New Era rolls in. I still find it most appealing of all the space sims because of how god damn great the flying feels, and and how the scope feels, but it's true that I have nothing actually to focus on anymore. Exploration as an almost zen-like form of relaxation is currently all that it really offers to me.

If you want something shorter, you can try House of Dying Sun or Rebel Galaxy, and if you want something crazy complex, you can give Space Engineers a try, they are... almost good now, with something that actually approximate proper gameplay.

Ahahaha, NO. Jesus NMS fanboys are worst than the SCult.

I wish it was fuckling minecraft. It's just trash.

Freelancer Alpha One Dash One, you are cleared for takeoff. - Good flying out there.

What happened with Elite? Haven’t played in ages...

still the same shit
now with overpriced carriers that bring nothing to the table.
There's a massive expansion in the end of 2020 that is rumored to have spacelegs and basebuilding, so we'll see how that goes

Seriously. How hard is it for a modern company to make a freelancer clone?

>they still kept nerfing trade routes into the ground like it's the Soviet Union
>new ship class money sinks worth billions

Show me your ships, Yas Forums. I know you bought one.

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NMS is not space minecraft, Avorion is.

Try avorion. Its x and Minecraft.

the whole "create your own ship" is an instant turn off for me

when the fuck is SQ42 going to release? That's the only thing I care about

All I wanted was a new Freelancer with better physics and graphics. If only those idiots didn't show Roberts the merits of whale milking we could've had it!



Space is boring. It offers nothing interesting.

The best scifi is all terrestrial in nature, with space itself having a backseat to air, land and sea.

Not a single space based game has ever come close to the fun or depth of any basic war plane game, even War Thunder is better than Elite/SC/NMS combined.

Avorion if you want something like freelancer

fucking brainlet never post again

Having just binge watched 168 episodes of Gundam, I can safely say you are wrong, and that space is a place for giant robots to hit each other with beam swords