The whole game is ONE. SINGLE. TAKE

>The whole game is ONE. SINGLE. TAKE.
Can someone explain why this was such a big deal? Was it not just a design decision rather than some incredible feat of technical prowess like everyone seemed to think it was?

Pretty good solid 8/10 game though.

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Awfully written game aimed at people without strong father figures.

What do you mean?

It isn't technically impressive today, no

It's something normies think is interesting. Combined with a "Parent-Child Serious Story" they'll think it's a masterpiece


>Liking last of us clones

>not a single take any more

Anyway you're a retard for falling for that marketing gimmick.
One take means bloated loading segments and forcing you to fuck around doing nothing. I preferred it when games would just load instead of patronizing me like a retard.

Who cares? How about adding more enemy types to the game instead of this shit?

What does that even mean

you never played it, didn't you?

fpbp yet again

Of course not

OP rekt, no re.

I don't get this design decision
>try to be as cinematic as possible with the whole thing being one take and Kratos blocking 60% of the screen
>rpg elements, tutorial pop ups all the time, level ups, equipment, side quests, fast travel
what do you want to be because currently you suck at both

single camera, one continuos take
now, imagine how retarded is to consider it a "great feature" in a videogame
in cinema it's hailed as something great because of the multitude of issues that brings

and it fucking ruined the game together with the shallow rpg elements and slow combat.

they think picking and choosing between numbers and weapon augments makes the combat deeper.

Loads of games are """one-take""", except for fast travel.

Wife's Son of War replaced simple loading screens with bloating fake walk segments that take even longer than loading. Not to mention all the tight crevices, mashing X to lift object, sloth-tier climbing segments, etc.
Loading screens are shorter and more immserive.

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Video games are not movies

It was innovative and worked great. Why does Yas Forums always make a fool out of themselves by hating on the good aspects of the games they hate? There is plenty to complain about, someone trying out a new direction and it working out is not one of them.

Imagine being a fat neckbeard and labeling everything as easy to do while you have zero skills yourself and never did anything of value.

What was innovating about replacing loading screens with fake loading screens?

it made combat feel a pain in the ass since most of the time kratos covers the enemies
who had this retarded idea?

>>not a single take any more

Even if they incorporated it into the plot, the fast travel system is a pain because it’s a glorified loading screen.

>one take is innovative and new
delusion of snoys is real

The whole game is a glorified loading screen. The game is littered with tight crevaces and forced slowness.
When you realize what's happening, the immersion is shattered completely and you start hating the game.

Pretty well written game that makes those without strong fathers seethe.

>Movie game
>Using a franchises name although the games are not related
>Slow, boring story and combat
Its a 2/10 at best.

Complicated and Diverse doesnt equal Deep
Deep means theres a high ceiling of potential you can get from the mechanics alone, RPG shit is just glorified roadblocks made to feed of humanitys inate desire to get "STRONGER" instead of actually putting in effort to actually better themselves. Its just an easy slider and your whole moveset being limited to finally being useable for different situations is something I never understood the praise for.
I'm all for giving players options to strategise their playstyle, but just having Defense +1 then Defense +50 doesnt make the game deeper, its just artificial progression and blocking.
If there was a trade-off like Super attack with terrible defense, it'd be a meaningful style of play.

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Replacing loading screens was just the logical consequence of the one take approach and not the reason it was used.
One take for the entire game is a new concept. Also movies can't replicate it since they don't have magic cameras that can move freely yet so it was worth using.

It was very impressive on a technical level, just like the rest of the game. The music and sound design was top notch.

>PS5 has much faster loading
>instead of changing design philosophy, western devs will just load more pretty grafix
Just fuck my shit up.

How many people went through the game without dying?
They are the only ones who saw one take.

Half-Life 1 is more of a one single take game than Last of Kratos. I looked up dev diaries and shit just to understand what drugs were they shooting up to make that something worth marketing.

So people get an extra reward by playing good. Nice observation, user.


So what's the benefit of one take if almost nobody saw it? Faster loading screens are the better option if the one take idea is so fragile.

It was a fine idea to disguise the insane loading times a game with its kind of production value would have.

it didn't took anything from the "gameness". Fights are great if you set up a proper level for you. But take witcher for example. Even if you take highest level it will eventually get too easy and will become mindless attack spamming. And many of the players don't even play on the highest difficulty. Like my brother. He kills bosses in 10 seconds and sees nothing wrong with that.

The game was 10/10 if you played on give me God of War 2bh and it's the only good God of War game because they stole everything from Souls games.

>It was innovative and worked great
Dead Space did it better, and even then it didn't work that well because you're going to take breaks from the game anyway, shattering the illusion of it being seamless

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You can always tell when someone hasn't played this game on Yas Forums and only watched videos. Every thread, it's so obvious.

God I hate "immserive" loading so much bros. It's the biggest blight on AAA gaming.

It's easier to do in a video game or animation. In film it is much more impressive because it's a real physical world and it requires shit ton of planning.

It's not a take, it's a shot. Take implies that they recorded all the voice acting in one go. It's much less impressive a feat (not impressive at all in fact, even arguably lazy) outside of film where you need to have all the human elements and moving pieces, environmental factors like lighting etc

Half Life was impressive when it was a single take, we’re kind of past that point now though.

>it's easy to dismiss the opinions I don't like

Because most people are not Yas Forums autists trying to grasp at straws to find arguments to invalidate the one take approach. They just enjoyed the seamless transition from gameplay to cutscene.

Here's a secret, user: they don't know what they're doing except that they want those 10/10 awards.

>So people get an extra reward by playing good
So I have to play the entire 20+ hour game without pausing, dying or taking breaks to get the experience they were going for? Sounds like a pretty shit concept to me

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Back in 2014 everyone on Yas Forums hated loading screens and creamed over disguised loading. You're just a contrarian with no opinion of his own. Also, you haven't played the game, I can tell

I dunno, adds to the immersion I guess. There's never a point you aren't experiencing the story from Kratos' perspective.

Post a picture of your trophy from completing the game now.

It is probably why they have mimir tell some tales.
He only stops talking when you get all the collectibles at the very end of the game after you did all major side content.

Half Life had a static camera, it was technically speaking completely unimpressive.

No, it's pretty obvious if you haven't played this game or not.


It's so so obvious you guys haven't played it

Imagine making effortposts about the game you very clearly never played.

With pausing to change equipment and deaths you're not even going to realise it's one shot anyway, so it's literally fucking pointless. As you say, it works much better in film or television. I remember the episode of Mr Robot that looked like one seamless shot and it actually benefitted from it

Wading through treacle and mashing A at every door so the game can load is immersion destroying unless you have a very low IQ. It's the opposite of seamless; it forces you to think about how the game is tricking you.
The game is treating you like a retard.

They hid the loading screens with the forced walking segments like when you carry the pig into Freya’s house

Literally no argument in this post.
I have stated my reasons for despising "immersive" loading. Your anecdotes don't mean shit.

sounds like you need to git gud

Sour grapes are real.

Fuck off Cory

>I have stated my reasons for despising "immersive" loading

Read the thread.

The "single take" meme was a terrible idea

Imagine seething so hard that you actually demand gameplay and story segregation.

I liked GoW, but I fucking hate this meme where they give you a secondary character whose whole arc is "I'm an annoying shit that doesn't listen and eventually I learn to just listen in the span of onegame, maybe." TLoU and a few other games do this and it feels like the cheapest way to do a parental bonding story.

This. They don't know how to develop games any other way.

>wahhhh I'm shit
yet another day on Yas Forums

Not an argument and not what I said. You are a sad poster.

I actually liked Kratos as a rage fueled, revenge driven, unstoppable God murderer. I feel like they downplay all the atrocities he commited in the original games just to make room for some boring father figure narrative.

Redemption does not come easy.