How is this game, Yas Forums...

How is this game, Yas Forums? I feel like I have an itch that only running a hospital or a prison or a zoo or something can scratch. Sadly, Linux options are limited.

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Tell me why you run Linux. Tell me the specific functions you use it for on a daily basis.

It's fun. Apparently I have 53 hours in it, but I barely remember any of them.


just install windows10

>but muh spyware

no more or less than your smart phone. This is the world we live in now. Accept your fate

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Paradox bought it and ruined it. Stay away or pirate an old version

Nice, what do you dig about it?
Cope, Manvir.
What they do?

I see on GOG it's no longer DRM free, yet it's still being sold there. Odd.

Tell me why you're upset about it. Tell me the specific ways that his use of Linux affects you on a daily basis.

There are opensource tools to literally disable every spyware and anti-pirvacy feature in Windows 10. There are also Enterprice/LTCS version that is more lightweight than any normie Linux desktop like Mint or Ubuntu and has all spy- and bloatware removed by default due to legal reasons.

There are hundreds of ways to bypass companies spying on you and data farming your shit, without sacrificing comfort and modern features todays technology has to offer.

OP is just a computer illiterate retard who incompatible of doing his own research and forming his own opinion and just listens to whatever the first autist on /g/ says.

oh, boy, time to read the instructions for my new game! I'll just open this text file...
>sudo apt-get install nano
>cd ~
>ls -a
>sudo nano -a -l -n
that was easy!

You didn't answer the question. Also, I don't know what this gibberish in your post is meant to convey. Why are you upset by OP using Linux?

Linux is the bumper sticker of operating systems

The only way of building a strong and powerful society is to get rid of all the degeneracy and evil in general.

Linux as a modern desktop OS is obsolete. Just 5 minutes of research will be enough to uncover that the majority of Linux desktop users are deprived pedophiles and anime lovers. Thus, Linux users should be massacred and abused like the niggers they are.

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It's a lot like Theme Hospital or a city building game. And those are just fun. From what I remember it's fairly open and you can just make a prison in a way you like.

>hurr durr there's only one way to open a text file
When I want to open a text file on Linux, I just double click it. If I'm in a terminal, I type "vim" and then the filename. It's really not hard. If nano is your favorite text editor then why wasn't it installed already?

>What they do?
You need to register an account with them to play the game and they made overpriced shitty DLC.

It doesn't look like the DLC is really a problem (price is cheap), but the extra layer of DRM is a bit cancer.

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how's this shit lads?

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>casually mentions Linux


>OP is just a computer illiterate retard who incompatible of doing his own research and forming his own opinion and just listens to whatever the first autist on /g/ says.
Whatever you say!

There are dozens of options to have a bloatfree Windows 10 if you are not a complete retard. But you are a complete retard because you are using an outdated OS that barely supports half of your hardware capabilities and features, assuming you are not a poor nigger with a toaster.

>Countless alternatives to massive corporate products that are illegally and unethically spying on you.
>Just accept it slave this is your world now.

What a fucking faggot. People like this are why the world is going to shit. People like this are also the ones cheering on governments and corporations while they censors and oppress people. KYS at your earliest possible convenience.

There is no such thing as a bloatfree Windows 10. I can understand someone using Windows 7, but you are beyond retarded. You're one retarded double nigger.

Lets be honest here, if you actually cared about privacy or security you'd be using OpenBSD

Daily reminder that no one on Yas Forums actually has a legitimate reason, like autocad or whatever for work, to use Windows. These bloatware shills are legitimately afraid of even the idea of people playing actual video games instead of Gamepass trash like gacha Borderlands and movie game Gears of War.

Any good managerial tycoons for Linux, friends? Something like Rimworld with a bit more flavour

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Just because you can't find any information with your DuckDuckGo search engine doesn't mean it doesn't exist, you retarded triple nigger.

Windows 10 LTCS doesn't even have IE preinstalled.

>>Windows 10 LTCS doesn't even have IE preinstalled.
Wow! No Internet Explorer! I'm switching back right now and jumping into my WindowsApps folder.

>Any good managerial tycoons for Linux, friends? Something like Rimworld with a bit more flavour
>Something like Rimworld with a bit more flavour
Gee, I wonder. What was it called again.... Hoburg Hotel? Gnome Encampment? Hobbit Kremlin?

lel anything else? i'm waiting on the remake for that

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Hahaha illiterate nigger exposed himself.

There are no Microsoft Store, no OneDrive, no Media Player, literally nothing just a bare bones OS, you dumb fucking monkey.

Do a little bit of research before embarrassing yourself next time. There might be girls reading this.

>Just a bare bones OS
Why aren't you using 7, user?

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"Degeneracy" is just a codeword for "thing I don't like".

I've not yet played the dlc but the main game is good fun. I've got 90 hours in and I think I will pick up the DLC.

My only advice would be not to watch any guides for a good while. The reason being is that this is a game where trial, error, redesign and learning are al part of the gameplay loop. Should you watch guides on maximising every little thing then you are going to hit the wall of things to do quickly and it wont seem as fun.

Why the fuck would I? It' outdated, doesn't support the latest VR hardware and GPU drivers, ugly as fuck and reeks of 3rd world country niggerness.

>swapped to Linux, a bunch of steam games are natively supported
>most are supported with proton and have no steps to make it work
>the only games that don't work have spyware level anti cheats
>for the games I can't get to work, I just run in a VM of windows and never have to deal with microshaft collecting information on me

Its amazing how many Microsoft shills are in this very thread. Kill yourselves.

OTTD, dwarf fortress.

>Oxygen Not Included
>Surviving Mars
>Prison Architect
>Tropico 6
>Two Point Hospital
>Cities: Skylines
>Stardew Valley
>Complains about 3rd world
>Uses W10





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Soviet Republic. While it's a game about managing a planned economy.

>Complains about degeneracy
>Posts Berserk reaction images he saved from Facebook
Oh W10 fag, you really do crack me up

I'm not the other guy but none of that has anything to do with Linux and maybe you should do some soul searching and ask yourself why it's on your mind all the time.