So we're never getting a rip of this model, right? I'd want to mod it into VIIR

So we're never getting a rip of this model, right? I'd want to mod it into VIIR.

Attached: blair-armitage-21762569-10154674876547447-4554232741744541357-o.jpg (2355x834, 178.73K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I have the model, do you want it? it's not rigged though.

You casual non-/g/ zoomers are delusional.

Do you even know how long it takes to extract the source code, find out how to overwrite it without crashing and effectively change models? This is not texture change, this is not a model position switch, this isn't even a model modification which alone will take at least minimum 2 years, but this is a whole model replacement, if a company like Square Enix doesn't add mod support something like that can take a whole DECADE to figure out.

nigga overwatch had porn like days after release


porn is not a mod
it's a simple data rip

I'm pretty sure OP is just asking for porn though.

Body too thick

Too much sexy. Not enough ethical.
I give a 2.3/SJW Good Boy Points

Attached: 1548422692709.jpg (555x415, 66K)

>I'd want to mod it into VIIR.

Where is your plebbit slayer avatar?

Attached: 1566622705645.png (638x479, 362.96K)

>no nipples or vagina in the skin texture
The guy who made this is a coward

wow... so sexy...

Attached: 1559687945854.png (2048x2048, 3.36M)

What a weird thread, where did you find this? I don't have any programs installed to check it out but this seems legit.

FPBP anyway.

Don't be retarded, this is an Unreal game and look how many model imports are in FFXV.

Attached: 91-1571809645-614676437.jpg (1920x1080, 389.29K)

It was from an old thread, i have a dropbox as well if you want to see the contents before downloading.

Blender couldn't open it, seems like an old version of fbx. I don't really care but I'll save it for when the game is moddable, maybe someone will want it.

Neat that you have this, usually models like this are never released.

Paint3D can open it, i tried a while ago, if you have windows 10 and Paint3d it should work

Good shit user, will do something in sfm with this

>So we're never getting a rip of this model, right?
wait for the PC release

>So we're never getting a rip of this model, right?
it was posted here in one of the threads a long fucking time ago

>The guy who made this
it's a she biological

please credit me if you do :)
kidding but do you have a twitter where you post some work?

>Square Enix doesn't add mod support something like that can take a whole DECADE to figure out.
>A whole decade to make a model swap in an unreal game
What motivates someone to make a long ass explaining in detail something they know nothing about?

I wonder about this too. They could just be consolefags.

what did he mean by this

Attached: 1580697894_k2.png (1600x900, 2.45M)

Attached: 1583242050600.jpg (633x634, 118.02K)

I can't tell if this is bait or not. There's so many retards pretending they know how computers lately that are very loud with their ignorance. It's like everyone on the internet is my mom now days.

not bad

Attached: tyeefa.jpg (1920x1038, 194.22K)

my windows wouldn't load it, what did you do?

click tifa or tifa0 file

Attached: 1575669314060.gif (409x363, 1.79M)

Attached: tifass.jpg (1920x1036, 237.1K)

>Couldn't load 3D model try again later

potato pc?

this nigga talking like people haven't modded the fucking fallout nv overworld into morrowind

Attached: tiftits.jpg (1920x1030, 245.62K)

Those games were mod supported though. His mistake was not knowing unreal engine being piss easy to crack.

>pointy knees