Listen Bethesda...

Listen Bethesda, we want a QUALITY SINGLEPLAYER RPG we dont want your dumb microtransactions and we ESPICALLY DO NOT WANT IT TO BE IN HAMMERFELL IF ITS JUST SO YOU CAN PUT WE WUZ KANGZ SHIT IN THERE, we want a fucking game Todd you scammer.

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dangerously Based.

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How many features will they cut this time? My predictions -

>Swords are the only weapons.
>Only destruction magic
>No separate armour pieces, only full sets
>No light/heavy armour classes
>No alchemy
>Only the first quest for every guild is handcrafted, everything else is just a radiant fetch quest.
>Three skill trees - melee, magic, armour. Levelling up increases the damage/defence rating.

This is the worse case scenario.

I really don't like how possible this sounds.

They could very well do that to appeal to the braindead zoomers who cant navigate a menu for more then 30 seconds, though i cant see them being stupid enough to remove non-sword weapons. then again.

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The Nords will be conquered by strong hiqab wearing sheboons with weave magic while the altmer rub their hands in ecstasy. Your getting nubian egypt with flying pyramids and bottomless chicken buckets and your going to buy every port for the next 11 years. The elder scrolls? More like lick these balls.

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I don't know how, but I'm sure they'll manage to fuck up modding.

sadly you're right idc if its in Hammerfell (though honestly id rather have it be in Valenwood) but the problem is they will use the Hammerfell setting to politick like fuck.

They've already taken the first step in that direction with the creation club bs

BLM died 4 years ago. The blackwashing trend is kind of over.

>Creation club on release
>ONLY creation club
>Fans can request ideas directly to bethesda mod team with season pass, only $34.95

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True, but unless they somehow nuke Nexus, the CC will never take off.

This is the kind of shit that I'm worried about.

Friendly reminder that they are going to release Starfield first before they even begin development on TES VI, and we know practically nothing about Starfield. TES VI won't be out until like 2025 at the earliest.

if it forces you to build like fallout 4 im not buying it

desu with all the advances in Skyrim and Morrowind modding lately I don't give much of a shit about TES6
if it's good, I'll play it, if it's shit, I'll just keep playing what I'm currently playing

>remove illusion and entchantment just have heal summon destruction
>force you to do the story before you can explore
>enemies have set levels

its gonna be glorius to see all these new bugs

I just want them to make quests that don't need me staring at the fucking arrow.
I've been replaying Gothic 3 for the past week and that game has you search for people/things on a huge fucking map with zero map markers and it works just fine.

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I just want for lore to get cool again, I doubt it will happen.

>>enemies have set levels
this is not a bad thing, levelling to match the player is a shit mechanic

Voiced protagonist because Bethesda is still under the delusion that people buy their games for the story.

>people buy their games for the story.
we used to, before Fo3 happened.

>Ayo Hol Up another desert shithole need your help!

they could remove every weapon but the bow and i wouldnt care

>Only the first quest for every guild is handcrafted, everything else is just a radiant fetch quest.
They will definitely do this.

>TES VI won't release until AT LEAST 2023
>It will STILL use Gamebryo

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i remember playing fallout 4 i ran through butfuck nowhere trying to explore. suddenly some enemy was level 12 so i couldnt proceed with my level 3 ass. thats not how open world should be. dont make enemies too hard.. skyrim did this right if you go in a dungeon at level 1 there wont be dragon priest or draugr overlords but at level 40 there will be

>advances in Skyrim modding
Is the combat good now?

Not really.
It meant you could effective explore any area you wanted so long as it wasn't a DLC area since those had minimum level requirements for dungeons and shit that enemies scaled to.

>they think we will get more than 1 guild
there will be a warriors guild. and if were lucky a mage one

skyrim was piss easy you could almost beat the whole game blindfolded

Try Kingdom Come(hardcore mode).
You have to pay attention to the world and learn to navigate it, you have to listen to what people are saying(sometimes game will test your knowledge, you never know when). Some quests even make you study books and apply what you learned to solve a problem.
That all I want from an RPG, and that's nothing I'd ever expect from Bethesda. It's been clear since Oblivion they have no interest in making a real RPG experience.

thats why i play on master
when you want to get one shot by everything play legendary

Just thought of a new good gaming as a service tentacle:
Sell quests via micro transactions.

Normalfags don't want to spend a lot of time on a shit ass random quest they have no interest in. So, let them choose which quest they wanna take and only those! This way it can even be sold as the ultimate RPG game, since every game will be different and therefore be one of a kind, which can be sold for even more dosh.

CGO makes combat a bit better, I'm playing with smilodon as my main overhaul, wounds and some AI tweaks on the side, and I'm enjoying myself. The nemesis engine replacing FNIS makes the game play a lot smoother.

I'll meet you in the middle on that one and say I want toggleable map markers. The Witcher 1 had this, you could figure out where you needed to go or what you had to do by reading the quest log, or you could turn on markers if you felt like it.

Don't forget that guilds won't have level requirements

What sense of accomplishment do you have if you can clear literally any challenge at any point in time if you just try hard enough? It makes sense that some new player can't just clear some death-infested hellhole out of the gate.

I just wanna go to black marsh

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They probably will pull shit like that, and the amount of hate online means jack shit when the number of normalfags that will buy the game outnumbers us heavily

>open world game
>cant go there because enemies too hard xd
might as well make it a story game like the last of us

>CGO makes combat a bit better
That's exactly what people said about Wildcat and Ultimate Combat.

>suddenly some enemy was level 12 so i couldnt proceed with my level 3 ass
this used to be proper way to fucking do it
to give you incentive to git fuckin gut, come back and kick his ass
actual accomplishment instead of game giving you handjobs and fanfares for doing inane shit

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lets be real here we will get fucking Akavir before Bethesda makes a game in Black Marsh, they are too soulless to make interesting environments for a place like that

Because you get to do what you feel like at your own pace, and the game'll gradually match your strength in order to keep things interesting.

You can still go there, you just have to git gud

CGO changes the actual mechanics without rebalancing anything, so you want to use it alongside a rebalance. It implements scriptless dodge-rolling, 1h-2h grip changing, and does some other shit to make your player not control like complete ass.

I’ll take akavir

>Three skill trees, attack defense
I can see this happening and it would instantly disqualify the game from ever being purchased by me.

I want you to know that I despise you. Level scaling is cancer