>suddenly girl gamers love ff7 now

Attached: Final-Fantasy-VII-REmake-Crop-1000x563.jpg (1000x563, 117.71K)

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Final Fantasy 7 has always been a fujo game for twisted sexualities
See: Final Fantasy House

fujoshits have existed longer than you

Seph's design would be better if he was a little older.

Attached: ff7-sephiroth-portrait.jpg (1100x1100, 148.55K)

FF7 always had fan girls even back in the day. i always wondered why FF7 though? looking at blocks cant have been sexy for a female mind.

See also LTD anything

Attached: _20190811_220722.jpg (3307x2733, 2.05M)

That Advent Children guy looks nothing like Sephiroth.

Attached: sephiroth-original[1].jpg (740x416, 22.67K)

because it was the most popular overall.

Females love FF7 because Cloud and Sepiroth are designed to be extremely pretty

FF7 was the beginning of fujoism in the west

This game is just sasukeXitachi

Ain't that incest?
At least make it good, like Boruto and his hot aunt

Lurk more you zoomer.

You'd be surprised how many chicks loved Sephiroth before the remake. This is coming from a dude who has never touched a FF game aside from FF X.

Every scene girl back in the 2000s was a huge FF7 fan, where the fuck have you been. Or are you just a zoomer larping as an oldfag

Original Cloud and buster sword are kino

Attached: Cloud_Strife_Sketch2.png (1392x836, 607.77K)

Its like a fusion of Zack and Cloud

i've never seen someone out themselves as a zoomer so hard. you obviously weren't around when ff7 came around the first time.

>played games back then
i don't think so tim

> Hurr durr girls never played video games until 2007 and when they did it was for attention.
Maybe if you didn't have a victim complex about women you would actually be able to hold a conversation with one.

Disregarding the idiotic notion that there weren't loser/loner/introverted girls that played video games in the 90s too, there were then and also still are tons of girls who are aware of the surface of media and decided to be fans based solely on designs and then, being as they don't delve further, develop opinions, and on some cases fandoms, solely based on appearances


Attached: 13b.gif (680x498, 224.1K)

Yes they did, zoomer.

How new are you?


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>tfw unlike Cloud, you'll never make a cute muslim girl squeal with happiness.
To live is to suffer.

I just want to say
Gruff old men > upstanding chivalrous knight that's just a little hot headed when it comes to protecting his people > cool intellectual older men > cool headed mercenaries > hot blooded young knight with lots of ambition >>>>>> shit >>>>> younger guys/"little brother" characters

This Cloud would have been much better.

Only thing I would change is taking away the chain on the sword and fixing up his front bang a bit. It looks fine, just a bit fucked up in the artwork here.

Girls always liked Final Fantasy.

"female gamers" are the scum of the earth.

blocky graphics or not is irrelevent to slashfics

This is of course rated by who you want to fuck you, yes?


Are you high? Girls always loved Cloud and Sephiroth

Welcome to 23 years ago

Barret and marlene scenes are 10/10 man

No they didn't you fucking larping whores. 1 in a million played it but it was mostly a boys thing. Stop trying so hard to fit in