Final Fantasy

Reminder that the best Final Fantasy is the one you played as a teenager

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I didn't play any Finals in my teens though.

Crystal Chronicles on my Gamecube?

I didn't play VI when I was a teenager, though.

i never played any final fantasy

But I played X as a teenager and that's a piece of shit.

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I haven't even played XII and that's the only one that came out when I was a teenager.

whats the argument here? you mistakenly like stuff from your childhood so all contemporary art is objectively good?

I only like the 2D Final Fantasy games and IX

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I hated all of the Final Fantasy games that I played as a teenager though

I think it only wants to point out that we perceive media differently that we consumed during our formative years.

In convinced the only way VIII could be your favorite is if was the first one you played.

But my favourites are XII, V, and XIII-2 and I only played them in my 20s.

I played I, III, VI, VII, and X in my teens and none are even in my top five.

VIII had the best story though. When it became clear that Rinoa was actually Ultimecia, I said "wow" out loud.

I played crystal chronicles first and hate it never played such a trash ff

The only thing you're right about is that X is mediocre.

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based but it's actually kinda for you anons but it will always X and XIII bye

>I and III above anything but II
>II above anything
>XIII-2 on the same tier as XIII
>VI and IX that high
I disagree with almost your entire ranking, impressive

in other news water is wet

>Reminder that the best Final Fantasy is the one you played as a teenager

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>liking XIII

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in retrospect, it was better than 15

I played XIII as a teen and it sucked.

Which had the best girls?

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X or VII and its honestly not even close

FF6 is worthy of s-tier. Idk about FF9 tho.

Bad Bait.

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I played X when I was 10 though

Hard to get a bad roll on this one.

>Played X as a teen
>Favorite is Tactics

VII, X, & XII.

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Let's see

I started on 1 and hated it. Moved onto 3, hated that too. Then 4, again I hated it.
Wasn't until 5, 6 & 7 that I really started to love the series. Bumpy road on 10, and then a complete nosedive from there.
All I ever wanted was Versus 13....

Disc 1 yes. The rest of the world was a crushing disappointment.

Quina? Fuck that.

what does she say?