ITT: Describe a boss poorly and others will guess it

ITT: Describe a boss poorly and others will guess it.

>Imaginary baby fish

>The half of a guy who got the cool voice

>Redhead with spider legs

>A real pain in the neck

Attached: chadigator.webm (1920x1080, 1.99M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Wtf is that real?

Daily routine in Florida

What the hell is this gator so large for?

that's a Croc

W-what does a croc of that size eat in Florida?


To fit it's chevrolet movie theater.

That can't be very healthy

That's why he's so big. Floridians can be very dangerous.

Attached: 1560671657274.jpg (1935x2048, 259.96K)

Because he can.

>every response is about the alligator

Attached: s.png (1440x810, 706.56K)

he's a big guy

>next time you try to kill a man, you best get the job done. Now you're my bitch forever.

Attached: 685.jpg (123x126, 6.41K)


Something something classic blunder.

now thats a big dog

What a shame.

Attached: Alligator fence.webm (640x480, 2.93M)

>Foxy grandpa who killed your grandma
>A mick with a lightsaber
>Hideki Kamiya


Are these from the same game?

talkative robot with ill fitting head

Based chadigator


>Anime eyes in the sand
>Water clone Jutsu: The Musical
>Plin plin plon
>Skeleton loli janitor

Radiance from Hollow Knight?

Damn, now I want to see a crocodile theme MHW monster.

The middle two are Demyx and Gwyn.

How can somebody call the cops on a man serving justice the only way he truly can?

You son of a cunt

Attached: tumblr_m9vzd3Mb0J1qbowx0.png (500x447, 355.41K)

cyclops condom

dinosaurs are real

Attached: Focal length.gif (402x301, 3.4M)

>scary nameless thing starts stalking you and appearing randomly in your daily routine until it locks onto your location

Yes. They're fucking huge.