Latest source leaks

Since the leak of CSGO & TF2 source code, what are you guys hoping will be the outcomes?
I'm exited knowing lots more games based on the source engine will be in the works now, and valve cant rip them off and make them pay.

Refrain from posting the source links in here.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Leak the MGSV source code next, goddamn discord trannies.

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You are lucky he leaked it you moron, you might actually see source 2 now.

Who cares. Fuck videogames.
Rip tyler


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Tyler to me will always be that fag that has the biggest hard on for valve nothing more.

Posting links is not allowed, and will get you banned.
Instead discuss what the leaks will bring.

>you might actually see source 2 now

both games are leaked
other companies will be using the source code
they will be forced to release that new engine.

maybe on your fucking discord, you fat piece of shit

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Wait how the fuck did this cunt get access to source code?

Why would he leak it?

I'm confused

How do we know that queer leaked it? i know he sucks valves dick and literally sucked on gabe newells sons cock just to get closer to him.

any proof?

what happened?

facts. Not like the fools at Konami are going to use it.

If they didn't get hacked (zero proof). It is known, Tyler is friends with gabes son, and dick rides him for information.
I bet gabes son leaked it to Tyler and he leaked it to the entire world.

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there are already games running on Source 2

so who is this tyler cunt anyway? Sounds like some retard valve fanboy

I just want the source 2 SDK so people can get started on Half Life: Alyx mods. And I don't mean basic shit like Xenthug and Wolfenstein 3D, I'm talking about total conversion stuff like SMOD, Black Mesa, and Underhell.


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He is a fanboy, slurps valves dick. Basically a moron journalist that reports on everything he hears and supposed leaks on YouTube.

Picture related, his AMA he did on reddit proving he is friends with gabes son, which proves where he most likely got the source code.

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>biggest Valve fanboy in the universe backstabs Valve 2 weeks after getting HL3 teased to him
Yes, I understand fully

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why am I supposed to care?

Why do people keep using the word “Leak” incorrectly?

How fucking deprived of attention do you have to be, to do something as stupid as leaking the source code of an entire fucking game.

Look at gabes son, he looks like a fucking retard

Grey is a creepy shit and a retard so I buy the idea he just gave shit to his "friend", damn the consequences. Did you know Grey is also a voraphile that harasses artists? Funny stuff.

you can tell by a single look at his son he has mental issues and creepy pervert vibes

>tf2 leaked

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can we finally get better servers in csgay (not just 128 tick but better netcode in general)?
can we finally remove random crits in tf2 and remove casual mode?
can we finally make casual in CS 5v5 instead of 10v10 and leave the big servers to the browser?

I know none of this will ever happen but it's worth asking.


Source Engine is outdated bullshit and you should be using Unity, then build a Valve Pak File reader so you can "mount" the files.

Internally convert all the source models to fbx, the textures to png and make materials for each on the fly, check the valve material file to see if transparency is required and then cross reference it with the Unity material, this would ensure that glass would render properly.

Converting VMF and BSP into something that Unity can read is also relatively easy.
There's absolutely no reason to use the Source Engine anymore, seriously.
If you want to have the movement that Source Engine has but on Unity you can use this:

If you want a proof of concept that can import BSPs into the Unity editor, here's this:
And if you want to take it further, you may want to look into ValvePak for C#:

In the end you can achieve something similar to this:

I don't recommend using UE4 unless you want to maintain a custom engine branch of it. (good luck making a moddable game on UE4 that's safe!)

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yes he came off as a degenerate, got any proof of the harassing artists stuff?

Yeah he's clearly mildly autistic, he was talking about electrotherapy in future VR headsets that would fix that. At least he's an autist but actually has ambition, unlike Yas Forums.

>not just 128 tick but better netcode in general
No, you can't. CS:GO's netcode remains as good if not better than any other FPS out there, and for a reason. The simplest algorithms are the best, and they were worked out long ago. There is just only so much you can do to the fundamentally difficult task of removing an inherent delay.

ok retard

It all came from various other artists hes commissioned. Im also a vorefag so I've chatted with said artists and theyve all said the same thing. Aesir. Kainan, 404, Nukey, all have gotten weird vibes and creepy comments from him.

Apparently Grey loves Akame ga kill and gets all the vore pictures of it. That and his cringy fursona thing.

yea i cant wait to become a stalker from half life, with sissy hypno neural implants. good ambitions

what are the actual consequences for leaking an entire fucking games source code?

You can have fun in your dated engine with a renderer that is incapable of physically based rendering.
Imagine using an engine from 2004 to actually make a game lmao.
by the way the leak is just as useless as reading

Tyler gave it to a discord tranny for clout and the tranny leaked it all.

How could he be so fucking stupid?

imagine needing a wallhack for fucking pavlov aka the easiest cs clone ever

No hes an autist with a rich as fuck daddy and an enormous tech company. Anyone would be "ambitious" if they had that.

Gabe kidnaps you and replaces your brain's neural processors with artifact

So the son pretty much gave every third world country, every Russian, every start up company wanting to build a game an entire game / engine for free
imagine seeing new games come out of the shed now with the same engine

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Because hes a retard who has been riding waves of clout and has been hoarding shit like this for ages within his little circle. Then he gives it to one who is just crazy enough to leak it and we get what happened today.

just think.. if he was dumb enough to leak TF2 which has never been leaked before
he must have access to some private stuff on valves servers / leaked many other things to "friends" who knows he could have probably leaked DODS also to some "friend" that wanted to input on how to build a game.

What an absolute moron.

tylermcuckhold is an effemminate manchild

Why Valve hates TF2 so much even tough its one of their most profitables IP they have? Its not just TF2, somehow they havent bothered to make TF3 even tough TF2 is 13 year old and have spaggheti code.
CSGO and DOTA2 are much bigger moneymakers, due to having Esports, sure, but TF2 still makes lotsa money, and TF3 would be hyped ad infinitum.
Why does Valve have this irrational hate for Team Fortress?

>Did you know Grey is also a voraphile that harasses artists?
source or youre full of shit

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he looks like a rapist

tyler's ancestor will be paying out those reparations.

Well done, EGS mafia

You get lucrative bonuses based on how well your project does.

So people jump ship to successful stuff in an attempt to make money.

My source is if you question anything what I say then

>t. Gray Newell


Millions in damages for sure. Probably like 5-8 years prison time sentencing, but in practice only like 1 or 2 before you hit parole

imagine your own son leaking two of your games source code to your autistic discord friends, who then leaked it to the world. He really gibes off creepy vibes.

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