There are people here with 1000+ hours on a single game

>there are people here with 1000+ hours on a single game

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Does a series count, if each game is pretty similiar?
If it does, i think i spent way more than 3 times that on all of MH as a whole.
I still fire up MHGU from time to time, my brain completely shuts off and does shit automatically at this point, i can focus on listening to podcasts or watching YT or shitposting here at the same time.

did ilay get fat or is that an old pic?

Yeah and?

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8514 and counting.
Even then I look like a gamelet to some veterans in Garry's Mod.

Yes and?

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I work with people who freely admit to having over 3,000 hours in Minecraft.

Yeah I do

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I don't think i want to know how many hours i put into league

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>complaining about anons enjoying their video games
the absolute state of nu/v/

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Why yes, I do obsessively play Factorio.

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jesus christ you have more hours in warframe than i have in my 50 games combined.
that being said i had over 900 hours in a single pokemon crystal save

you 2 just forgot the close the games you were playing, right?

did they even made something worth?

I have +1k hours in many games. Fucking casuals.

>1000+ hours on a single game
>those hours are over the course of two decades


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only booted it again to see what was going on. uninstalled right after. 5 mothns without touching this trash and will boot it agfain.
but my most played game is actually ragnarok online with 12k hours easily

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I probably spend 3 hours per day on Yas Forums on average since 2013
I spent over 7000 hours on Yas Forums.

I probably jerk off 2.5 times a day on average ever for 7 years now, and if every other fap session takes ~20 minutes, then I've spent maybe 2000 hours fapping.

I have been spending on average 6.5 hours per day awake in my bed ever since I was 12, so that means that I've spent 16 000 hours awake in my bed since I was 12.

I just want to destroy my computer and start picking up life skills, clean my bedroom, go ask my parents to go get therapy, but I can't manage to do it. I wanna escape.

Of course, it's not like any of us ever play video games, huh?

I'm not gonna accumulate that much time by leaving games on while I take a shit.

it's absolutely retarded
imagine the amount of rich, high-quality games you could put in 1000 hours
and yet NPCs spend all their time playing crappy repetitive multiplayer games, it's just sad

>there are people here that play video games

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Bitch you have no clue.

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the trannies leave the game running when they are on discord OP

not a big deal

How the hell can you play a single player game for that long

Honestly, if you don't have at least 1000+ hours clocked in one game, you probably shouldn't be on Yas Forums. I say this as someone who only has 700 hours clocked in my most played game ever (Monster Hunter P2G).

>spreads 1000 hours over several high-quality video games
>not a true gaymer
>spends 1000 hours in a single game doing mind-numbingly repetitive tasks
>tru gaymer

Some people like playing the same game multiple times? My excuse is i dont play many games because the metric ton of them are complete shit but the ones i do play i play the fuck out of


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you don't git gud by playing a game for a week then moving to something else

>there are people here that think a girl with a cancerous growth on her chin is attractive

I played Skyrim on Ps3 for like 1200 hours and then another 300 on Ps4

Are you autistic?

How painful was it after the game ran at 5 fps after 50 hours on one save?

>mfw zoomers cant comprehend someone dedicating time to a single game
All these zoomer kids are fucking horrible.

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Because I enjoy them, although I do favor games that have character building and let me go at my own pace. It's not like I don't play and finish some other games but of course I don't want to play them much 'cause they are one-and-done. It wasn't any different on consoles either, I got all the unlocks for Dynasty Warriors 5 and my copy of Champions of Norrath 2 stopped working.

>caring about "getting gud" in a video game
What does that matter?
I play games to have fun. I can understand wanting to "git gud" in real life things. But in a video game? What the fuck?
Doing the same thing over and over again (which is what happens in most multiplayer games) is boring as shit.
I want to see new worlds, meet new characters, unravel new stories. Do new things that will stay in my memory. I remember the things that my character did in the single-player games I played. Remember quests, character interactions, specific actions, etc.
What specific experiences do you remember of 1000 hours spent playing Counter-Strike, for example? Almost nothing. It all turns into oblivion.
If I want to develop a skill, I'll do it where it matters: in real life.

Try 8000+

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not him but for me i "git gud" at everything i do no matter if it "doesnt matter". Enjoying something and having fun to me means taking what you have and squeezing everything you can from it.

There are demi-gods with over 20k here

Yas Forums has completely lost its identity over the years. Casuals own this board now.

where do i meet girls that look like that

My top 4 games are the same although I have less hours. Skyrim: 650h, New Vegas: 540h, DS2: 190h, DS 189h.

I'd love to cum on that face

Pretty sure I have well over 12000 hours in WoW.

>there are people here who don't have +1000 hours in any game

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It always seems to be the same autistic games. one of the dark souls games, team fortress 2, and counter strike


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Are you?

only autismos do that
it means Yas Forums is getting more normal, thank God